different sects in Islam

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proud muslim

Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum warahmato Allah wabarakatuh,

It's a very sensitive topic but a very important one as i personally was once affected by it....i have met many non muslims who told me..."u keep sayin Islam is one and unique unlike other religions while it isnt... for instance it has many different sects just like any other religion and each sect believes its the right one and others are kafirs so whats the difference between Islam and other religions?? " .. this issue is truely one of the stuff that confuses many muslims and most probably they dont know how to answer those allegations ...for me it stopped being an issue because alhamdulillah i have a stronger emaan now and i know that not knowing the answer doesnt mean that there is no answer..but for others they need some explanations and answers...so if anyone cud provide me with them ...may Allah reward u

Assalamu alaikum warahmato Allah wabarakatuh,
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