Do you know........?????


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu alaikum,

jazakaAllah khairan for sharing:D

like all your poems.....this was an amaaazing read! subhanaAllah!

I thought this was about Iman leaving you? correct me if I am wrong though,:D
ones again ukhti, I ask Allah almighty to reward you for sharing this!ameen ya Allah



=( It was so full of emotion, so real. JazakhAllah for sharing sister


Pearl of Islaam

First I want to let you know that I´m very glad to read your posts here again. Asja you are a very pure soul. I don´t want to miss you sister. mashaallah. A poem as it was expected from you. simply amazing! Because you yourself are an amazing personality. Hope to see you in Jannah inshaallah.
And finally I want to wish for you the all best you can get in this world and the other.


wa allaykum saalam my beloved sister.

Jazzak Allah khair my sister for your so beautiful words and duas dericted to me, you know that I wish for you the same and moreeeeee my good and blessed sister. All my words who are good are only because of Allah, because SubhanAllah without Allah and His guidance we would be really lost.I realy do not deserve all these words because everything good that we do is with Help of Allah. I pray to see you on both worlds InshAllah, but as we are Muslims we do not need to see to love each others. :hijabi:. And I love you too for Allah sake.

May Allah reword you on both worlds .ameen:tti_sister:

barrak Allah feekh dear sister Nermin for your kind words.:hearts:

May Allah subahn we tela bless us as all with good eman. ameen



Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu alaikum,

jazakaAllah khairan for sharing:D

like all your poems.....this was an amaaazing read! subhanaAllah!

I thought this was about Iman leaving you? correct me if I am wrong though,:D
ones again ukhti, I ask Allah almighty to reward you for sharing this!ameen ya Allah

wa alaykum salam dear sister.

May Allah Almighty reword you too for reading it. It is directed to someone very dear to my heart Alhamdulillah.

jazzak Allah kahir for your kind words always,may Allah reword you with all good on both worlds and strenght your eman. ameen:tti_sister:



New Member
As salamwa alaykum.

Hi my name is abdullah and i read ur poem,seriously it touches to the heart,by the way i am new over here so if i say something which hurts u i am sorry ,actually i dont have sister so i dont know how to speak with womens,yeah to the topic i read ur poem and it shows me that u r totaly hurt from inside and u want some one to appreciate you admire you else than your family and be supportive to you u r missing some thing like u r sad waiting for a perfect someone i dont know ur age but by the words u used in the poem looks like 18 to 25 and in this age evey women as far as i know ueses romantic words but still good i hope u r not dissopointed by me,actually this is my piont of view and i am not afraid of telling the best of luck for now and future may allah bless u and ur family and ur relative.

allah hafiz


Pearl of Islaam
As salamwa alaykum.

Hi my name is abdullah and i read ur poem,seriously it touches to the heart,by the way i am new over here so if i say something which hurts u i am sorry ,actually i dont have sister so i dont know how to speak with womens,yeah to the topic i read ur poem and it shows me that u r totaly hurt from inside and u want some one to appreciate you admire you else than your family and be supportive to you u r missing some thing like u r sad waiting for a perfect someone i dont know ur age but by the words u used in the poem looks like 18 to 25 and in this age evey women as far as i know ueses romantic words but still good i hope u r not dissopointed by me,actually this is my piont of view and i am not afraid of telling the best of luck for now and future may allah bless u and ur family and ur relative.

allah hafiz

wa allaykum saalam brother

Jazzak Allah khair for your reply and welcome to the site but I really do not know what you are trying to say with your words, Allahu Akbar,and to who you think I am dedicating my poem. ???
Alhmadulillah I did not shared this poem that somone admires me or that I try to make myselfe importante like you have said Astagfirullah, because it is not alowed in Islaam to have arogancy in hearts. I only wanted to share my feelings with my brothers and sisters, athough I do not like to share my feelings so much, but it was for good sake only and Allah knows that as well.
I do not ask for any admiranation or prise, because Muslims should be modest.I hope Inshallah you understand better my words for Allah sake,and may Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong.

And Allah knows the best.!!!

May Allah bless us all.ameen
