Do you pray for yourself or for Allah (Subhana wa ta'ala)!?


Purifying my soul!
A salam alaikum wa rahmatullah!

I ponder, and wonder alot about who I pray for. The other day, my mum asked me, when one makes the intention of praying do one make the intension by saying: I pray eg. maghreb for your sake (Allahs sake), I pay zakat, fast for your sake Allah or say: I pray for my sake??? I'd like some reference maybe some sayings of the prophet (salalai wa salam), I have not yet found any info concerning this. I'd appreciate help, answers helps strengthen my Iman, and Inshallah other brothers' and sisters'.

May Allah bless all brothers and sisters, and bring non-muslims in the right path. Ameen!

A salam alaikum wa rahmatullah!