"Dont judge Islam based on the actions of Muslims"


Islam is a way of life
Assalamau alaykum, may Allah (swt) be pleased with you.

"Dont judge Islam based on the actions of Muslims"

I have heard that, in different wordings, so many times! And I do not feel it's true. Even in the Prophet's time, peace be upon him, people were reverting to Islam based on his actions! Although there are some Muslims whom are not perfect, I feel that most do things which support how wonderful Islam is.

I, myself, began to LEARN based on the actions of such Muslims.

One prime example who made American News is Mr. Mohammad Sohail
Video here.

He is a Pakistani-American store owner, and in June of 2009, an African-American man tried to rob him. Mr. Sohail at first was aggressive, when the intruder was caught, he began to cry and say how hard his life was and he just wanted some money for food. Mr. Sohail GAVE the intruder $40 and bread. The intruder said he wanted to be a Muslim like Mr. Sohail and took his Shahaddah right there in the store, Subhan'Allah, Subhan'Allah.

Later, Mr. Sohail recieved many letters and even a letter and $50 from the man who tried to rob him! He signed the letter "Your Muslim Brother'' Subhan'Allah, only 1 example of how our actions affect Non-Muslims! Dont ever assume "Oh that Kaffir doesnt care what I do or say" Because that is a lie!

How do you feel about the above quote, agree or disagree?
Will you share stories similar to the one I stated? Do you have any more personal stories?

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Well, I do agree with your statements and Alhamdulillah that Allaah has guided you through the goodness shown by Muslims.

However, we must acknowledged that not everyone will get the good chance to meet Muslims who will represent and portray the TRUE Islam. Yes, there are still pious Muslimeen and Muslimaat but compared to Muslims that are only Muslim by name, the good are smaller in number than the well, what do I say; not-so-practising Muslims.

That quote would be suitable to those; non-Muslim who are sincere to learn and understand about Islam so that they dont just look at Islam from the actions of the followers but dig deeper into what our Holy Book, Al-Quran al-Kareem and hadeeth teaches us to do. Also, we have Prophet Muhammad sallallahu a'laihi wa salam as our best example (as you have stated).

Thank you for sharing the wonderful story. May Allaah shower us with His abundance of Blessings, Wisdom, Mercies and Understanding in matter regarding our faith. So that, inshaAllaah, through us, many non-Muslims or those looking for the right faith will be attracted and eventually embrace Islam, the one and only religion accepted by Allaah. Ameen Ameen Ameen.

I accepted/redhaa Allaah as My Lord, Islam as my religion and Muhammad sallallahu a'laihi wa salam as The Messenger of Allaah.

Waa'laykummusalam wa rahmatullah.


Assalaam walaikum,

We are held responsible as Muslims to exhibit the best of everything. We are to be the best hosts, the most caring of beings, and patient. This is our duty.

And Allah subhana talla in His Wisdom provides blessings for us. This event is such an example.

What we have to do is show the kuffir the folly of his belief system. If the kuffir chooses not to listen that is on him.

We as Muslims have a burden of responsibility. Allah subhana talla has forewarned us of the consequences of our thoughts, words, and deeds. He has explicity told us what the consequences are. And, as Muslims, we are accountable to Him. He has given us the Book that is clear. There is nothing hidden. Take heed O Muslim.


Junior Member

If the "warriors of Islam and policemen of piety" do not vow to kill me for that, I would like to resolve this discussion with this famous parable of sower from the bible.

parable of the sower

A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown" (Matt. 13:3-9)

What we can learn from this parable is that the yield or quality of the crop does not only depend on the quality of the seed but also on the quality of the soil. So when when we say, "do not judge Islam based on the actions of the muslims", we are actually saying, it's our rock-hard hearts, which are to blame and not the good seed of Islam. And when you are demanding, that there must be at least some visible correlation between the yield of the crop and the quality of the seed, then it is also a fair demand. The answer is, I do see the correlation. Whenever the seed of Islam has foud a good soil, it has produced excellent excellent crop. There IS and there has always been a considerable number of good muslims with examplary character.

So yes, do not judge Islam based on the actions of some bad muslims, neglecting a considerable number of good muslims.
