dose the arabic chat language helping here


New Member
salam 3alaykom

i think it could help somehow to let the nonarabic ppl just know which letter is been used

salamu 3alaykom

maybe this will be better to show and remind them to practice the original pronouncing

what do u think guys ?

Musa abu A'isha

Aussie Muslim
Its more sensible to use other means of transliteration and transcription.. The 'Chat Alphabet' is amazingly ugly!
Words like - 3a66ar, 5"air, 7a88... They look almost comical!
Numbers just don't have any rightful place in serious linguistics.. Plus this use of numbers to represent Arabic has its strongest support from the ultra-nationalistic Christian Lebanese, they are pushing for it to replace the Arabic script in Lebanon and have been doing so for some time. If you travel around Beirut you will see scores of billboards written in this alphabet of theirs.

I was able to learn Arabic as a non-Muslim, I'm sure every Muslim will benefit much more by learning the Arabic alphabet rather than any alternative to it. 9a77..? 2allahu 2a3lam...


New Member
thanks for your reply but i am talking about here as we are using the english alphabet and as we know it dosenot has a letters such as ع ط ء ص ض ح
so i meant " just to let the readers here be awear about the word like: حديث no translation for it and they should use it always and it will be after awhile هديث
but if we used 7adeeth we will remind the reader this word is startign with ح not ه

thanks ;)


Junior Member
let it be arabic alphabets please


In my humble opinion,, if one is really serious about learning a language ,, it should be the normal arabic alphabets first and maybe the transliteration beside it as a guide for those who cant really read arabic. Seeing both the arabic and the transliteration will give a better understanding of the arabic alphabets with it shapes changing according to where the alphabets is being place. Transliteration and romanise alphabets should never replace the arabic alphabets .....i think all arabs should be proud of their language, spoken or written. They should do their uppermost to try to keep these alphabets alive and not let it go the way of the dodo.

Brother Islamicfajr articles is a good example of trying to keep the arabic alphabets alive. For those who are keen, check this out

For your info...i am not an arab .. just a southeast asian Malay but alhamdulillah am a muslimah although a late bloomer ;)

May Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala makes it easy for us who are keen to learn arabic...the language of the Holy Quran and our beloved Prophet, Muhammad :saw:
