

I had these two dreams when I was in the ages between 7-10
can some one please tell me what they could possibly mean

I was walking through a dessert on a black night, but there was light, light so that i could see the dessert. while i was walking i felt a lot of heat, (even though there it was night ). Then in a distance i saw a black blanket, gently by it self above the dessert flying in a soft breeze. I kept on walking and left the blanket behind me. While i was still walking(now it wasn’t hot anymore) i saw again in a short distance plates made of some metal, one plate with Allah name and one with Muhammad name in Arabic(i saw some other pots as well but i don’t remember them properly) I kept on walking, I don’t know how long when a soft soothing breeze cam from my left side, I sighed out of relief, i saw the prophets green tomb and my dream came to an end. A few years later i had this dream: I was standing on green grass next to a bed, a black blanket was wrapped around my body and it was flying behind me in a soft breeze,i was happy but i was concerned about a white ceiling close to my head.

thank you



Junior Member
I don't know much about dream interpretation but a blanket could possibly mean a spouse because Allah (swt) says
"They (your wives) are your garment and you are a garment for them." [Noble Quran 2:187]

and allah knows best