Driving to the Hereafter

hassana elkoussi

Junior Member


"Your Lord has not forsaken you; nor does he ever turn away from you. The life to come is far better for you than this present life; you will be delighted at what your Lord will give you.When you were an orphan, did he not enrich you? " Surat Ad-Duha 93

[Lessons from this Verse]

In our daily struggles, focusing on the life to come and what we need to prepare for it ,today will bring the richness to our lives that we are all seeking. For the next seven days, ask yourself throughout the day, "In the hereafter, will I regret how I spent my day today?"

Muhammad Al Shareef


Muslim Unity...
:salam2: my dear sister
jazakallahu khaiyr for sharing
May Allah help us to spend our time by doing good deeds


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum:)

jazakaAllah khairan for sharing dear sister:)
MashaAllah, it's a beautiful reminder:)
Allah hafiz now and always:)