"Drop-off" box for unwanted babies opened in Japan


From here: http://news.uk.msn.com/Article.aspx?cp-documentid=4896953

A Japanese hospital has opened the country's only anonymous drop box for unwanted children.

The baby drop-off, called "Crane's Cradle," was opened by the Catholic-run Jikei Hospital in the southern city of Kumamoto as a way to discourage abortions and the abandonment of children in unsafe public places. The hospital described it as a parent's last resort.

A small hatch on the side of the hospital allows people to drop off babies into an incubator 24 hours a day. An alarm would notify hospital staff of any new arrival. The infants will initially be cared for by the hospital and then put up for adoption.

"We started the service, but hope it won't be used," head nurse Yukiko Tajiri said. "I hope it is seen as a symbol that we are always here for parents to share their difficulty."

But government officials warned the service might only encourage more abandonments.

"In principle, parents should not abandon their babies anonymously," said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki said it was "fundamental for parents to raise their children with their own hands".

Similar baby drops exist in Germany and South Africa. Some US states, such as Alabama and Minnesota, also have programmes that protect the identities of women who give up their babies.

The drop box comes after a series of high-profile cases in which newborn babies were left in parks and supermarkets triggering a public outcry.

With no law against abortions and no clear religious taboos in predominantly Buddhist Japan, the procedure is readily available and widespread.

Nearly 290,000 cases of abortion were reported in 2005, according to the Health Ministry.

It's a crying shame that this box is even needed. I can't stand the thought of people popping out babies and simply discarding their offspring. Although most of these cases involve young, unmarried (and not even 'dating') women, it also happens from women/parents of all walks of life.

On the plus-side (if there's such a thing in this case!), at least these babies can be taken to a safe place. Perhaps abortion figures will also drop.

If a woman bears a child, she should be responsible for it. If she's unmarried, Allah will deal with her judgement - nobody else. It's a shame that society judges such women as though they have been granted the God-given power to do so. If the child is unwanted (not fair on the child, but it happens), or if she is unable to support it, then it should be safely and legitimately delivered into the hands of those who do want it, and can care for it. Abandonment is not the answer. The ability to reproduce is one of the most precious gifts from Allah, it's such a shame that it's not taken seriously by some. :girl3:

umm hussain

Junior Member
It's so sad that some people would give away a baby so easily especially after the excruciating pain of actually giving birth to him/her. Well I guess it is a lot better to give these babies away to people who will actually take care of them rather than just dumping them in the street or aborting or murdering. There are some people who would give 'anything' to have a baby yet some just 'throw' them away and in some cases literally, in rubbish dumps, or flush them down the toilet and this actually happens. I have quite a few of these really disturbing stories.

Life is so empty without Islam because as a believer you believe Allah will help you feed that baby unlike the disbelievers who in most cases dump their babies because they cant 'feed' them or for the most selfish reasons like they had a girl and wanted a boy or they interfere with their lifestyles, e.g the partying.

Some of these 'mothers' are drug addicts, alcoholics and into prostitution and do not want a baby to interfere with their lifestyles. I guess their hearts are already hard. If they don't care about themselves we cant really expect them to care for anyone else really.


Staff member
Asalamu Alykum,

I dont think i would be able to let go to a little one, but i find it difficult to believe that someone dump a baby into a rubbish dump, thats just plain and simply SICK!



Junior Member
what ?


Helloooo! are all of us alright ? "Should be delivered to those who can take care for them". You know what, i dont have kids, i am not even married, but i love them so bad(doesnt mean i want them by any haram way). I love them so much that sometimes i find myself imagining being a dad and playing with them and buying them toys, silly i know! The point is, even the animals dont do that, not even the most disgusting ones. How can you forsake a child, a child! oh... Well i believe that drop boxes like this are the worst way of adding fuel to fire the slogan being "Your statutory rights are not effected, we keep everything discrete" :astag:

These people need to be lashed, twice, once for fornication and the second time for the babies they abandoned.


P.S. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEtmgWHR5v0 this is what children is all about....