Dua for Yourself.....


New Member
:salam2: I want to ask sth..V all know that how much worried one person is for his/her examinations of any standard...If someone do some kinda "wazeefa" before the exams so that the papers come easy n all...Now my question is many people have said that if once "wazeefa" is done then there is no need of doing it again or any different but can't a person can only read "tasbeeh" of "Bismillah-hir-rahman-ir-rahim" for "good marks".....
Like it is said that if one read 1000 tyms "tasbeeh" of "Bismillah-hir-rahman-ir-rahim" and after that 3 time "Darood-e-Pak" then InshAllah Ta Allah his/her "Jaayiz" wishes will come true......

Take Care
Allah Hafiz


Umm Zubayr
Wa aleikum salaam,

First of all, i don't know what 'wazeefa' means..so i can't really help you there.

As for the rest, all i can say is Allahu ya'lam but those sort of things which tell you, do this and that for your wish to come true..is just stupid really. We shouldn't rely on wishes surely we've got All Mighty Allah for that, and He (swt) is sufficient for us.

I may have not understood your Q. correctly so inshallah someone else will


Junior Member

It seems a bit presumptious that one can control how they are blessed by saying this or that. If you want to make good marks then study very hard and pray to Allah to guide you. If you do well then it is all to Allah, if you do poorly then it is for a reason, maybe passing this time around would put you in the wrong place to receive a huge blessing in the future.

Trust me, I know what it feels like to stress about these things. I have a test in one month that will decide my future to be a physician. So I pray for self discipline presently and for guidance when learning, but I just have to trust in Allah swt that whatever happens is the will of Allah.





It seems a bit presumptious that one can control how they are blessed by saying this or that. If you want to make good marks then study very hard and pray to Allah to guide you. If you do well then it is all to Allah, if you do poorly then it is for a reason, maybe passing this time around would put you in the wrong place to receive a huge blessing in the future.


dear sister : i agree with you ,
as for the question : allah always related results by it's reasons ,so one has to study hard to pass exams.
most of you heard the hadeeth when muslim interd a mosque and let his camel out (without tie his rope ) and when he finished and got out he did not find his camel and came complaning to prophet ( pbuh) , then prophet ( pbuh) told him :you should secure you camel and the depend on allah to presrve it .
so do what you have to do then allah will be there to help