Dua please

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
:salam2: Brothers and Sisters,

I would like to ask you all to make some dua with regards to the following two situations. The first has left me feeling very down and I think the more dua we have, esp from wonderful, caring Muslims like you all, the better the fight.

1. My best friends mother, whom I also consider to be my mum has just been diagnosed with cancer. She has a brain tumour. They havent take any action yet as they are not in their home country. Once returning home, they will do further tests and start treatment. But ALHAMDULILLAH, it has not spread to any other part of her body. My best friend just had a baby and her sister is about to get married. But now everyone's spirits are broken.
Please make a dua for her and her family. May Allah give them strength, especially her to fight this. Besides medicine, Allah is the Almighty healer. And through Him anything is possible. Inshallah, she will fight this and be cured.

2. I have recently been given news that I am up for a transfer in my job, nothing is confirmed but this transfer will definitely be good (in my opinion) for my deen -my entire life. I would request you to make a dua for me that if this is best for me, Allah let it happen with ease and grant me success and happiness in my future job.

Even if you just read this and your heart made a dua, I thank you, JazakAllah for your thoughts.
May Allah grants us all strong iman, good health and inner happiness InshAllah.

BarakAllah feek

Sister Zohra

Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum,

I will make du'a for you and her family insha'Allah. May Allah grant you the best in this life and the hereafter.

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..

Just a small update... my friends mum had the main tumor removed and they have have stablished that Alhamdulillah it is only in the brain. There are still smaller tumours so please continue to make dua for her..

As for me, I got an email this morning informing me on the confirmation that a position is available for me.. just waiting approval for my CV! :) Inshallah if this is what is best, I hope it will be easy.

JazakAllah Khair again to all you wonderful wonderful Brothers and Sisters :)


Junior Member

My dear sister in Islam, you and your family and friends are in my prayers and remember that Allah is always by your side and hears your heart and your duas. Call unto Allah and your prayers will surely be answered. May Allah protect you, bless you, continue to guide you, and answer your every prayer and gives you what is best for you in this life and in the afterlife. Ameen!



Junior Member
An update, after getting a help/favor does encourage others, to help more

May Allah make each of us be of more help and altruistic, for the right causes... Ameen!