Duas please!!!:)


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu alaikum beloved brothers and sisters in Islam :)
Hope you are all in the best of health/imaan:)

Well, I have finalls coming up a week from now!! Yeah! Those finals <sigh>
anyways, I wanted to ask you all to make dua for me:D
I am not going be here too:(
InshaAllah I will keep you in my duas to0:)

Ps: for those who left me vms, please forgive me for I am unablen to reply now.
Love you for Allah's sake!!

Hey, if my time comes before iam back..... Please do forgive me for ANY wrong I have done to ANY of you!
I also ask Allah to forgive you and I. Ameeeeen
Wasalamu Alaikum
Allah hafiz now and always!!!


Thank You Allah!
Walaykumu salam

Awww mann!! :( Finals again! ufffffff!! Well, I hope you do very very very well inshaAllah!!! I will makes loads of duas for you my sweetest sister :D You sound like you are in a hurry...so am I :eek: (lool your probably wondering why I'm always in a hurry :p)

Take care sister...I hope you do very good :D


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

InshaAllah you will be kept in my du'as.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


New Member
:wasalam: sister
you know allah is great
so believe in allah an all will b right,
remember" allah helps those who help themselves"
so do hard work and be determined and confident. rest allah will help u and u will come out with flying colours
best of luck..