DUNYA: poem 9


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum, another poem i wrote recently, please feel free to comment! JazakaAllah khair!

Poem 9 - Dunya
Feeling lost and dazed in this dunya
But I’m a believer; I’ve got to practice the Qur’an
And the compilations of the Sunnah

I had a big ego and pride in my heart
But I prayed my Salaahs and I saw it all part
I knew this change was the start

I was always busy working or out with friends
But then Allah (swt) became close to me
So we’d talk about time and life’s end

I never had two minutes for my family
But I learnt the value of them
Now Allah (swt) has made them so dear to me

I ran away from problems I couldn’t sort
But I found answers through the stories of the Prophets (as)
I can handle it now and give my support

I would cry when I felt lonely and weak
But Allah (swt) was always listening to me
And my thoughts and that which I would speak

Some days I would be in fits of laughter
But when I remembered Allah (swt)
It was his pleasure I was truly after

At times I struggled with accepting
But I was guided alhamdhulillah
Now I’m forever learning

I would be in deep thought, searching
For Allah’s (swt) guidance I knew
It can only be called a yearning

Now I’m feeling contented in this dunya
I’m a believer practising the Qur’an
And adhering by the Sunnah…

I’m waiting patiently for the Akhirah
So I can present myself in front of Allah (swt)
And tell Him that I’m blessed to be a Muslimah.

Wa'assalamu alaikum