Education and religion


Junior Member
:salam2: my dear sisters and brothers in islam

sorry to distrub you each time a question is bothering me inside but i really need some help and answer

the thing is that from the past weeks i've been really busy with studies, assignements, school work etc..i'm so much into it because i want to pass my exams that you know , the awareness of religion i have during holidays , or lets say the time i give to increase my knowledge in islam isn't as important as before and i feel really bad about it

i know that some people are stronger than others and i'm trying my best to be stable and strong in doing constantly little good deeds and beeing constant in my faith , but i know to maintain it i need to give more time than others to study my religion , and generally speaking for whatever i learn i need to give more time than others people do
like for instance at school it takes me more time to understand a lesson while some others htey just read their notes once and don't need to study hard to pass i know to be constant in my faith i need to give regular time to study ..but the problem is that with studies i can't , i read less number of pages of Quran and i pray of course but i can't read articles ...;or even browse this forum to learn more ....but i feel what i'm doing isn't sufficient ....

i can't stop my studies as well :( because now i've started i need at least to get my diploma plus for me studiing science was the first thing that made me ponder about myself, about humans, about Allah SWT and enabled me to be learn about the complex and perfect creation of Allah SWT and about all the laws and phenomenons that happen on earth or in the space....

so what can i do ? should i give less time to my studies ? i feel regrets all the time and at the same time i want to learn more about islam but as i said i also want to have good grades in my tests ....

i know religion is something u practice and it is a complete way of life i can both study and practice during my day but like for Quran i read it for 15-20 minutes while before i could read during one hour :(

Jazak Allah in advance

please help me to imorove my routine life



Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam,

This is normal for every student. Just do as much as you can,

of course do not leave off the obligatory actions such as your prayers, Fasting in ramadan, etc.

Apart from that do your best and pass your exams!! May Allah help you with it.

I am student with exams and assignments and I spend my time doing those, I dont get time to read or write anything. But, I try make some time when I can, to fit some Islamic things into my schedule alhamdulillah. I mean, we are not always under so much pressure or are going to be studying these things forever, so inshaAllah things be Ok . Its not haram to be busy with work or other things, it only is sinful or bad when you miss your obligations



Junior Member
Jazak Allah brother

i'm sure this answer will benefit others sisters and brothers Inshallah
that is exactly i wanted to know, how others students manage their daily life and organize themselves , of course obligations can 't be neglected, it's like sleeping, eating etc...

it's because my sister, she asks me every week if by studding she isn't comitting a sin as even when she prays she is so much into studies that she can't concentrate during salah,

but thanks to the advice that had been given to me here about knowing the translation of salah , i printed her a copy and Alhamdullilah she is concentrated now
plus thinking about studies is far more better than thinking about useless things or bad things

so i think knowing that education can also give you good deeds if u study for the sake of Allah SWT , ours both doubts will go

:wassalam: and May Allah Reward all the members here for helping each other

Noor to shine

Junior Member
:salam2: brother:
I think that being a brilliant muslem student and later a muslem with a successful career gives a good example for others but never forget your duties towards Allah swt and try to renew your faith and purify your intentions.



I think you are just doing fine insahAllah as long as you do your obligatories. Alhamdullilah you know There is nothing hard about Islam, Allah made everything easy for his servants. Your can increase your deen by remembering Allah at all times even inyour study. Just by saying SubhanaAllah, Allhamdulliha and so on.

O you who believe! remember Allah with much remembrance. And glorify His praises in the morning and evening. {33:41-42}.

"Only by the thikr of Allah is the heart peaceful"

Abdullah Ibn Busr related that a man once told the Prophet scw. " The roads to good are many and I am unable to take all of them, so please tell me something to which I can hold fast, but do not overburden me lest I forget it." He said, "make sure that your tongue is moist with the remembrance of Allah The Exalted."

May Allah guides us all.:tti_sister:


Junior Member

intention is very important.
i think when a person does not have the right intention, like a student filled all the right answers in the scantron but he did not put his name on it.

what ever a muslim do, should do it for Allah.
inshallallah, Allah will reward him for it.
for example,
when a muslim go to school, he should have the intention that he is doing it to have Allah's satisfaction by helping with what ever knowledge he gains.



a lonely traveller
Well I agree as my brothers and sisters have answered your query. But always remember one thing. You do everything for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala, you do things for getting HIS pleasure. Just remember that.
And always remember the Hereafter.
I hope the following thread also helps you in some way or the other.

Famous Quotes

walaikum as salam wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu


Junior Member
JAzak Allah everyone, u said it all and jazak Allah brother for the quotes as well; and sister salam , the example of the student is really true

we should always purify our intentions as u said; i'll do my best to attain ikhlas in the bottom of my heart , please pray for your sister in islam;

i pray Allah SWT reward you for your help and guide us all Ameen


Umm Mustafa

New Member
Jazakallah brother,
Masha Allah, the famous qoutes are inspirational and serves as a reminder. May Allah continue to guide us and to follow his Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sunnah till the end of time.

Wa Salamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.