Eggplant Omelette


New Member
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Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaah,

Alhamdulillaah I just had my lunch and it was good though it's a very simple recipe. It's "Tortang Talong" in Filipino but for the benefit of non-Filo speakers, I call it "Eggplant Omelette" I took a picture of it just before I dived into it.



5 Medium sized Eggplant

2 chicken eggs

4 minced cloves of garlic

Oil for frying

Pepper to spice it up

Salt to taste


* Grill eggplants or put them to direct fire until it gets soft (I use the stove)

* Soak in a bowl of tap water to let it cool for 2 minutes.

* Peel of the skin. Set aside.

* Beat eggs in a large bowl then add garlic, pepper and salt.

* Soak peeled eggplants in egg mixture.

* Pre-heat oil for 3 minutes then fry until it gets brownish.


New Member
Staff member
Wa alaikumussalaam warahmatullaah,

LoL I knew somebody would react to that 2 chicken egg thing. Hey there are different types of eggs in the world, we gotta be specific these days! hehehe

If you replace egpplant then umm it would no longer be called Eggplant Omelette! LoL Inshaa'Allaah I'll post other types of omelette you can make.