Electronic Qur'an.


New Member
Assalamu Alaikum!

I was just wondering if anyone could recommend a good electronic Qur'an preferably with some Books of The Hadith included. I always bring my Qur'an with me everywhere I go and I need something a bit more portable. I'd really like something with alot of features, basically one with all the "bells and whistles" would be great. Thanks to All and Salam!



A question inshallah, what kind of portibility are you asking about. These days you have to be kinda clear of what you want as these things have increased soo much. Like for me, a portable Quran other than the regular mushaf is an application I downloaded onto my iPod. It's English translated Quran and Arabic, recitation by different reciters etc. Has book marking features, notes and search index. Pretty neat :)

so yep that's the one I have.



New Member
Assalamu Alaiykum,

To be more specific I'm looking for an electric device similar to an MP3 player, actually it looks just like one. This device already has the Qur'an pre-downloaded on the device as well as many other programs such as The Prophet's (PBUH) Hadith, Qur'an recitation, salah times, qiblah compass, etc... Its really a great tool for a Muslim. I know many companies who make them I just wanted personal imput from someone who actually owns one. The problem is, I don't know many Muslims who own one. Maybe because they can get a bit pricey? Salam.


Oh ok. I know what you're talking about now. I own an older version of what you're talking about and it was expensive then, I got it six year ago for about 100 USD. the improved versions are a lot better although I don't own. A friend of mine was using hers about two years ago and it was really cool. It had athan, fortress of the Muslim, Quran with different recitations and English translation. Maybe it had other features I didn't notice, but it was nice. Oh and it had a backlight for night use. So yea.
