Examining Surat Ikhlas.

Abu Fauzi

Junior Member
As-Salaam alaikum,
Reciting surat Ikhlas (chapter 112 of the Holy Qur'an) is compared to complete recitation of one-third of the entire Qur'an. Reciting it is a means of blessings for the reciter. Note that Allah Ta'ala sent the Qur'an in 3 parts:--

(1) A third of it is comprised of Legal Rulings.
(2) A third of it is comprised of Exhortations of Promises and Warnings.
(3) A third is comprised of Discussing Allah's Names and Attributes...and Surat Ikhlas brings together within it those Names and Attributes.

The Surah mentions 2 Names of Allah which together indicate all the Attributes of perfection. They are not mentioned in any other verse/ayat: "al-Ahad@ and "al-Samad". These 2 Names indicate the Oneness of the Sacred Being who possesses all the attributes of perfection.

Allah is AHAD-- His Singularity of Existence cannot be shared by another entity.
Allah is SAMAD-- His Dignity and Sovereignty reaches the extent where all other things in existence depend on for all their needs.. ALLAHU, Tabaraka Wa Ta'ala.