face it?!


New Member
salam Alaykom:
starting by saying even if we know the truth :Islam its the truth .
we know the day of judgement and KABR and HISSAB and everything I mean everything about Islam it s our way of life and so on...
why should we for exemple going to night clubs or drinking al cohol or doing ellegal sex why moslim poepl dont like each other and too too much thing and why we even spy each other.do you bealeive that there is poeple loving this religion for real i mean for real, or just like a gym free time thing , if so why we found moslim poepl living in castl and they are Amir al mounine and others living in streets , is the religion made only for pour poepl, and so much thing that we had to say and to face ......tell us what s good thing that moslim poepl doing now to change their situations the real good thing(exempl free hospital to cure anyone somthing like that or free school or free cridit for anyone without interest )dont lie to ourselves we do not do nothing fair nothing otherwise give us exemple ... we have nothing ,we are just living separated one from each other..



Junior Member
to tell the truth , i've been to the similar feeling during a period of my life; you know where i live there are many many muslims but they don't behave good and they do bad things opnenly, now if there is a car broken or a thing stolen , every body will say it is a muslim who did it, plus people lack of knowledge so say muslims are terrorists

so in my school , muslims used to make fun of other muslims who were more practising or dressed modestly ....and i used to think why are we so bad with each, why the first people to make fun of me are my own muslim brothers and sisters? why do we hate so much each other plus we hate non muslims as well ....but i didn't realized at this time, that all of us including me as well lack of knowledge, i used to think what will it change if i behave good because the majority isn't like that and i would have no support ? so i used to hate them and think i'm good , but that was my biggest mistake, to dislike the people of my own religion , it was a big fault and i regret,

now i know i'm the first one who should look at myself first instead of criticizing the others? leave alone the others, but me , ME personnally do i give a good image of my religion, do i behave according to Sunnah , do i follow the commendments of Allah, so here all the dislikeness i felt for others changed into dilikeness of myself, of my own character, of my own personnality,

see, every body will ahve to answer for his.her own deeds, so before worring about the others, if only we could apply it to us, it would change many things , and changing one self is hard! harder than saying it!

now i never ever look at the others or crititsize them because i don't know who is the best person in front of AllaH SWT , me or the other? and i feel i have the most things to improve in myself, and if i see someone whose attitude don't seem to be good, i pray for all of us that Allah SWT guide each of us, and i look even more deeply into myself to check if 'im not doing something worser than them

:wassalam:my dear sister :)

Nur Sarah

Junior Member
i have a little opinion of my own...but now facts to prove if any is true...what i think is living a simple life and doing the deeds we are asked to do by Allah should be enough. if you pray five times a day it should be very hard not to do anything against islam...my Uncle had a chance to have a greater job then he has. he would be paid more and have more bonus. however he would not ba able to pray when the time came. So my uncle turned down the job. He told my father that if i can not pray i don't want to work and make money. he is a very humble man and lives a comfortable life with his wife and children...when he needs help his prayers are answered. however he never ask for anything...this is faith...and this is what islam can give some one...


Junior Member
U are rite!
We must first look at ourself and try to find our weakness and fix it.Learn more and gain more knowledge.Because knowledge will protect u.Give advise when someone call for it.Stay quiet until u need to say something because the more u talk the more u will make mistake,the more mistake u make the more sin u make the more sin u make in the hellfire u deserve to be!Do what u can do to contribute to islam.Down look down on good deeds even that it is just a simple smile!