Faith issues



Sister Shanaz I get what you mean :jazaak: .

Jazakumullaahu khayran all for your advices, I've copied and pasted the posts and tried to take time to ponder on the messages, wallaahi I really appreciate it. My emaan is really low, and I just need to work on it.

Recently I've been around Muslim sisters I personally know who encourage me to stay on the straight path and they're helping me.

May Allaah keep us on the straight path no matter how hard it gets, ameen. Thank you all again. :)


MashaAllah tabarakAllah sister,our life is long strive against ourselves,don't give up.Ameen to your duas.Whenever you feel low on iman perform tahajjud or fast a day.


BarakAllahu feeki.

Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
Asslamaliekum warahmatullahi wabrakatu,
Try to befriend more hijabi sisters and spend more time with them.
Inshallah that might work!


Junior Member

May Almighty give us the strength, courage knowledge and wherewithal, to be there for each other , especially in Deeni Matters... Ameen

Often our reasoning is colored due to various reasons. So, please remember this in your life, whenever in doubt ask, don't hesitate to reach out to right people who walk the talk. May Allah surround each of us with guiding Moomins... Ameen