Fake post needs to be removed

Amina 1

Junior Member
Assalam Alaikum,

O.k. here is my question I was watching avideo about Sheik Feiz I really liked it so I looked up more on youtube. On the seventh page here is the link

Almost at the bottom there is one titled Hate speech for kids by Sheik Feiz the description says :A group founded by a Muslim extremist who encourages children to kill themselves. I really don't think that he put that there so what do I do to get it removed. It is obviously someone who hates Muslims put it there. It really bothers me and I want to fix it.:angryred:


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum
sister , i understand ur rage and anger but first of all we cant do anything except flag it ... also In AMERICA there is a hypocrit law of Freedom of Speech so im not sure wat can be done except flagging


Servant of Allah
Sister these things are not new. like the user above said, just flag it and get other muslims to flag it. however i would advice you not to waste your time on this, rather i would advice you to make your own videos so much so that it brings that one bad video into non existence. but if you keep viewing it to yourself or others, it will just be shown as the most watched eventually. i was upset as well when i first started using youtube, but i've learned that rather than complaining and banging my head on walls, to actually make a change myself by posting videos on youtube that are educating others about every part of islam that i am able to share. So make outstanding videos...it can make one bad video forgetful, but your one good video is better than that of the kuffar. I've also seen a video about muslim men having sex with camels. lol. so take care inshaAllah. asalamu alaykum wrwb.

Amina 1

Junior Member
Assalam Alaikum ,

Thank you for your kind advice . I usually do ignore such things. It still gets me every once and awhile . It really freaks me out how ignorant people are. I might be oversensitive since my whole family is ignorant it hurts my brain. But Allaho Akhbar Allah has showed me the path and he knows what is best. I can't make the blind see or the deaf hear no matter how hard I try. Allah guides who he wants.


Staff member
wa alaykum salam

Yeah, people even write about this website and even about me.

There is someone who is not Muslim and poses as a Muslim,

turntoislam is a jebrew organization( wedsite) run by a spy infiltrator called MABSOOT, he pretend to be a muslim, he is a mossad agent, trying to deceive new muslims converts to believe that the jews are innocent and the muslims should love them and love the jebrew army of isreal

be very careful of this website

Heh, Mabsoot is just a nickname, its not my name, but anyway,

I do not think the person who wrote that is even Muslim, it is just someone who hates Islam and wants scare people away. The ironic thing is, they wrote that on a video which is about the Israeli Jewish War crimes in Lebanon.

We did make that video, but we do not always upload the videos to youtube. People often save the videos and spread them on youtube etc, which is fine by us, as long as they do not remove our website reference.

Allah help us, when we do good, there are always those who will oppose us.

- We should ignore them, and put our increased effort in learning and telling people about the real Islam.


Junior Member

the brothers/sisters give good advice. mashaallah.
what I wand to tell u is not to be annoyed because of some poor idiots. They can not harm Islam in any way. Islam is like the daylight. When someone closes his eyes, it does not mean it became dark, he will just make his own world dark...




Junior Member

I never herd this sheik but I looked at your link: This is where the links are comming from:
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I flagged it as an impersonation of a person and misleading title.
thanx for bringing it to my attention.


Junior Member

If you're a computer geek, you can try to hack youtube and remove that comment. But you cant do that just flag it like the others said.lol


Blessed Muslimah

i understand your anger sister its sooo frustrating you feel like saying hello people are you blind but as you said Allah guides whom he pleases and he has put a seal on thier hearts and has made them blind and deaf..... subhanallah

i also seen a person who makes videos saying critize islam every chance you get ( like thats going to bring islam down) and he asks people to sign a petition against having shariah law in the UK subhanallah they can plot all they like because Allah too plots better than them and Allah guards his believers and his deen so dont worry sis these people exist and Allah knows best:hijabi:

I ask Allah to protect us all and all our children ameen :tti_sister:


Amina 1

Junior Member
Hamdulillah Rubailameen,

Thank you all my brothers and Sisters for your wisdom and kind words I pray that Allah rewards you all for your guidance. I love this website it makes me feel less alone.:tti_sister:


Heros of Islam
jazakAllhu khair sorry for making you go thru that trouble i had this debate with sum guy who was saying sum rude stuff about shiekh fiez and islam and he was trying to justify its ok for women to wear mini skirts and present themselves as objects and ok for the eyes of men to literally cum out their sockets as a result



i generally watch islamic videos on islamic websites, because very often when i have viewed islamic videos on the youtube website there are so many nasty comments about islam and muslims. most of the things that they say, i can't even mention here on TTI.

what's funny to me though, is how while these kuffar are mocking islam and leaving nast messages on the video comment box, they are not gaining any reward for it and are going to jahannam; but SUBHANALLAH we reap the benefits from watching the videos and insha'allah we will be going to jannah.