Fear The Fitna Of Women!


Pearl of Islaam

So, is this thread title really that inappropriate ?

Assalamu allaicum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

Yes, the title of this thread is completaly inappropriate, becouse the content of this story is very different, as the responisble in this case is the man from the story who did not took care abot lowering his gaze and who did not took care about his eyes, and he should have if he is seeking for Allahs pleasure.

The title of the thread is indicateing it is the woman only who is responsible, which Allhamdullilah is not the truth. If this is not explained well, someone will misunderstand it and think "yes it is always the fault of woman" Astagfirullah, which is also not the truth. The rules about keeping chesity and modesty are the same both for man and woman, just as the punishment is. Becouse Allhamdullilah Allah is The Most Just and people are not.

Wa la hawlw wa la quwete ila billahi

And Allah knows the best



Pearl of Islaam

Dear brother, the purpose of my reply was only to remaind myselfe,and all of us to read carefull the text which is presented to us, to learn how to share responsabilties, and to be just in sharing them, because it is not according to Islaam and its teaching, to blame only one side, when other side aslo made mistake.

It is our responsabilty to take right message from any story we read, because that is the only way we can learn Inshallah.

And Allah knows the best.



Assalaam walaikum,

I think it is funny. For anyone considering Islam..women are women no matter what...and Muslim women..well we are something else. So much for Muslim women not being able to express themselves.

Time to move on..


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Assalaamu 'alaykum,

I sincerely apolagise to everyone I have offended through this post...

Please forgive me. I have tried to edit the original post title, but it is not allowing me..

Sorry again

Wassalaamu 'alaykum

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullah,

Akhi, I believe the "disagreement" has come to an end. InshaAllaah.

We do want to thank you of all the beneficial threads posted. Alhamdulillah, all thanks to Allaah. Keep them coming. And Im sure you've noticed what Brother Mabsoot edited, eh :wink:



Junior Member
Assalam Aleykum Brothers and Sisters,

:lol: I noticed that many sisterr are protesting against the name of this thread :angryblue: I am a bro and yet I agree with the br......sisters -_-


Junior Member

The sad part is that we are engrossed in the 'thread title' and feel so insecure that we have to come out and defend the women folk, eventhough we know how Islam elevates the status of women. Had the title been less provocative (though it really isn't) in the minds of the members who have posted, the number of posts would be close to zero.

Have we forgotten about this hadeeth from Saheeh Bukhaari ?

“I am not leaving behind me in my ummah any fitnah that is more harmful for men than women. "

So, is this thread title really that inappropriate ?

BarakAllahu Feek for reminding me about the blog. I didn't think about it while I was replying to this thread.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi

you are right. Women are a fitnah to men... Because women are created more beautiful by Allah then men.

Have we not witnessed in historry that women was used to destroy Islam from inside.... because of the weakness men has for women...

Women has a weakness too... it is not men... it is for their beauty... it is natural that women want to look pretty...

There is also a hadith saying that the greater jihad is to control ones nefs.... it means it is even more hard than the fight in the batllefield...

I mean in the day of judgement when men are asked why they did not lower their gaze it will not count as an excuse when they say... "it is the womans fault.." Even Shaytan will not accept an accusation on that way... he may invites people to sin but he does not force them.... he can not force them...

it is all about controling ones nefs.... a men who is looking after women is not a men in my eyes...!

And in this storry the man was sent to hell because he commited shirk! Islam is a religion which demands high standarts of the willingness to make sacrifices for Allah...



Pearl of Islaam
you are right. Women are a fitnah to men... Because women are created more beautiful by Allah then men.

Have we not witnessed in historry that women was used to destroy Islam from inside.... because of the weakness men has for women...

Women has a weakness too... it is not men... it is for their beauty... it is natural that women want to look pretty...

There is also a hadith saying that the greater jihad is to control ones nefs.... it means it is even more hard than the fight in the batllefield...

I mean in the day of judgement when men are asked why they did not lower their gaze it will not count as an excuse when they say... "it is the womans fault.." Even Shaytan will not accept an accusation on that way... he may invites people to sin but he does not force them.... he can not force them...

it is all about controling ones nefs.... a men who is looking after women is not a men in my eyes...!

And in this storry the man was sent to hell because he commited shirk! Islam is a religion which demands high standarts of the willingness to make sacrifices for Allah...


Assalamu allaicum wa raahmatullah wa baarkatuhu

I apologise, for replying again, because I have replyed so many times. :shymuslima1:. I am so embarrasst.

I only wish to say that Alhamdulillah, noone of us should say something that is good for him/ her only, but only that with what Allah subhan we teala is pleased. And for making less fitnaah for Muslims and Islamic society,and society in general it is responsabilty of both, Muslim man and women. Muslim man with lowering their gaze,and Muslim women with lowering their gaze and wearing Islamic cloth, hijaab or niqab.

And Allah knows the best.



Junior Member

Salam all

I agree with the sisters who have said that the title of the story is completely irrelevant, in my humble opinion thats true, i think that the title perhaps should have been beware the fitnah of not lowering the gaze or something along those lines, i dont understand why everyone has created a big hoo haa about the title though we should just say our piece and forgive whoever posted it after all there actions are praiseworthy no???

In the same time islam teaches both men and women to lower thier gaze and men can be a fitnah for women also................ and i speak from experiance!!! if they were'nt muslim women would not be taught to lower there gaze................................. i think perhaps maybe sisters are offended by the fact that putting women and fitnah together implies women equals fitnah, which reduces women to some sort of evil, even though we know that the fitnah of women is that of the rebellious disbelieving women, and not those obedient muslimahs, in this story we can see that it was the mans disobedience to allah swt that was his downfall and not because a women openly seduced him!!!

maybe we should be a little carefull with our words so we dont hurt our fellow brothers and sisters.

may allah guide us all and well done to whoever posted this!!!!!!!!


Junior Member
you are right. Women are a fitnah to men... Because women are created more beautiful by Allah then men.

and vice versa sis!! not all women are created more beautiful then men!!! are we forgetting prophet yusuf?? the women chopped off thier hands when they saw him!!!!!
women are attracted to men such is one of the reasons we marry them....???? such is one of the reason we be granted with a beautiful husband in jennah inshallah such is the reason we lower our gaze if women were'nt attracted to men there would be MAJOR issues in keeping the world populated!!!!!

Women has a weakness too... it is not men... it is for their beauty... it is natural that women want to look pretty...

I'd have to dissagree thier sister!!! women don't have weakness for men??????????? thats incorrect sister such is why we are taught to lower our gaze and why one of the greatest gifts allah gives to man is a faithful wife!!!

I mean in the day of judgement when men are asked why they did not lower their gaze it will not count as an excuse when they say... "it is the womans fault.." Even Shaytan will not accept an accusation on that way... he may invites people to sin but he does not force them.... he can not force them...

it is all about controling ones nefs.... a men who is looking after women is not a men in my eyes...!

And in this storry the man was sent to hell because he commited shirk! Islam is a religion which demands high standarts of the willingness to make sacrifices for Allah...

beautifully said sis!!!


Junior Member
yeah sis you are right. Before all the brothers get upset I have to fix something up her... yeah of course the women folk is attracted by men.... like they are attracted by women too.... otherwise we would have a problem... lol.... I just wanted to say that we care more for our look then men... this is for us a big fitnah... I mean look at all the pretty faces in the magazins and how women are dehumiliated in tv spots...