Few Ashaars to unite non-Muslims and all Muslims (sects)


Junior Member
Aslamo Alikum,

Dear All,

I would like to share few Ashaars (poetry) that if we think about it, we will be united.

For non-Muslims

نہ تیرا خدا کوئی اور ہے نہ میرا خدا کوئی اور ہے
یہ جو راستے ہیں جدا جدا یہ معاملہ کوئی اور ہے

Neither your God is different, nor my God is different
But still if our paths are different, then there is something wrong in our dealing with this matter.

For all Muslims (sects)

نہ تیرا رسول کوئی اور ہے نہ میرا رسول کوئی اور ہے
یہ جو راستے ہیں جدا جدا یہ معاملہ کوئی اور ہے

Neither your Messenger is different, nor my Messenger is different
But still if our paths are different, then there is something wrong in our dealing with this matter.