Final Destinations


Ukht Z.J

Im so blessed to be the one who changed
Despite the temptation, I felt so caged
But I've confessed, it's Satan who possessed
My thoughts & my feelings, & my actions as a test
He held my hand through my deep destruction
Flowed right through me like my bloods circulation
But I've let go & raised for true inspiration
From where I left off I'm back knowing my final destination
My beliefs have got a hold on me, I don't know how
From darkness to light, there's no U-Turn now
My road's a dead end, the end's my death
The end of the beginning, there's a whole new life ahead
But this one is eternal; finally justice found
I'm going straight ahead, you're going round and round
The 70 year drop to

The Blazing Fire
The slanderer, the thief, the hypocrite, the liar
The adulterer, the murderer, the oppressor, the idolator
I prostrate to none but

The Only Creator
But you're too blind to see; you're damned for eternal torture
Guiding yourself & others to misguidance
But you're misunderstood; only Satan has the license
To led you astray & secure your place in oppression
You don't see; I thank Allah I'm not in your situation
Under a spotlight of tension, we fight through everyday
But we're still under a cover of protection that none can take away
Step by step, I'm still standing whatever's thrown at me
Cos I know I need to keep moving towards what will set me free
Green birds, pearl mansions beneath which rivers flow
Whatever He's keeping for us, on that Day we'll know
How the Promise of our Lord

is the truth & nothing but
But you'll be biting on your fists, cos the door to Islam you shut
You turned away & you disgraced

what could have saved you from The Blaze
Instead you left The Call to Salvation & entered a torturing maze
One with no escape, nor protection; filled with hate
Back then you didn't wanna believe; Now face it, this is your fate...



make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu alaikum...

masha'Allah, tabaraka'Allah!! it is beyond beautiful:) subhana'Allah...and indeed 'there is no U-turn now' for all of us insha'Allah. All praise be to Allah for showing us the light. We still sin, we still disobey, we still forget to be thankful....yet He showers His mercy upon us! subhana'Allah!

Jazaka'Allah khair for sharing this, Ima look forward to more from you!:)


Ukht Z.J
:D Jazaakillah Khayr for your kind words sister. May Allah always keep us in the light of Islam. Ameen.

InSha'Allah, there will be more coming soon :) xx