Flavour syrups

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

100 ml freshly brewed, hot jasmine tea
100 ml sugar
Mix the sugar and the hot tea. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Chill the syrup and use it to flavour and to moisten sponge cakes, layer cakes, etc.

Store the syrup refrigerated in a sealed glass bottle and use within a week. Instead of jasmine tea, you may use other flavoured teas of your choice.



100 ml freshly brewed, hot espresso coffee
100 ml sugar

Mix the sugar and the hot coffee. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Chill the syrup and use it to sweeten and flavour milk shakes or other drinks or to moisten sponge cakes, layer cakes, etc.

Store the syrup refrigerated in a sealed glass bottle and use within a week.


Source: "Jade Garden" cocktail by Kevin Armstrong/Observer Food Monthly, May/2006.


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alaikum,

Can you please list some of the popular tea flavors in Nordic. And which flavor tastes closest to plain tea.? How extensively is tea syrup used in preparing other food items? Is it used only as flavor?



100 ml freshly brewed, hot jasmine tea
100 ml sugar
Mix the sugar and the hot tea. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Chill the syrup and use it to flavour and to moisten sponge cakes, layer cakes, etc.

Store the syrup refrigerated in a sealed glass bottle and use within a week. Instead of jasmine tea, you may use other flavoured teas of your choice.



100 ml freshly brewed, hot espresso coffee
100 ml sugar

Mix the sugar and the hot coffee. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Chill the syrup and use it to sweeten and flavour milk shakes or other drinks or to moisten sponge cakes, layer cakes, etc.

Store the syrup refrigerated in a sealed glass bottle and use within a week.


Source: "Jade Garden" cocktail by Kevin Armstrong/Observer Food Monthly, May/2006.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Question is a little difficult... many people like to drink plain black tea, some just green one or some from maked by herbs. Specially at winter season tea flavored by spices like cinnamon, clove and cardamom is popular. As in my country, Finland, has been a Russian influence so long time, some like Russian type of tea, specially at the East Finland.

Kind of tea, coffee or other syrups are mostly used flavour vodka or gin based cocktails, not very much different kind of cakes.

Finnish people are not well known by drinking tea but coffee. Many times if someone refuse to drink coffee, people are thinking he is a little... weird.