For real take Islam serious.................


*Fear Allah*

Islam is serious for this affects peoples lives and when you give advice remember that. No need to play around involving your feelings because the advice you give and the advice you take will affect you/them here and the hereafter.

I am a fairly new member and in the 2 months I have read alot of threads started about giving your on Fatwa. Now I understand what they mean because I am clearly seeing it be done. I am just tried of seeing our muslims brothers/sisters using Quran and Sunnah when it is convenient. (not all of you) and when it is not convenient suggesting it is ok to leave the commands of Allah and the message of the Prophet (SAWS). Letting your feelings get involved so you are not giving your follow brothers/sisters a fair shot. When they ask a question yes everyone whats to help and encourage them. But please do not give them the wrong advice because you are emotional for their situation. Please do give advice based off of Quran and Sunnah and if you do not agree with the Quran and Sunnah you are not required to respond. You are trying to help your brother/sisters for the Sake of Allah and by doing so you are not helping them by going against Allah commands by making the obvious look permissable if he clearly says it is haram. Just remember you give someone the wrong advice and go against Allah and the messenger you better be careful. Because you will be held responsible. When people ask questions it is an Islamic forum I would assume they would what Islamic answers. If I offended anyone I apologize now but I am also offended this is being done. :astag: Islam is serious and not about games please take it that way.

Salam Amirah80


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum.

Jazaakillaah khayr. I think we all need to reflect over this deeply, as we may be guilty of loosely giving fataawaa, or stated opinions based on our emotions. Such a serious thing, yet so easy to overlook. I pray that Allaah forgives me and you all, if we have erred in this manner.




Subhana Allah!

**i think this is very important, jazak Allahu khayra sister amirah, may Allah bless u ameen,ameen,ameen:tti_sister:**



Staff member

I can't agree more.

Subhaan'Allah, there is a lot of threads in which questions have been asked and no Fatawa has been provided.

Some people are aware of the ruling, as they may have read a relevant Fatawa, but its safe to keep quiet, as we all will be judged on the Day of Resurrection for what we have done.

I will Insha'Allah try my best to think before i post - whether what i am saying will help and is according to the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah :saw:.

May Allah reward you with good. Ameen.

Walaykum Salam



I agree as we are students of Islam and not scholars of Islam. I see how sincere many members are and we do need to slow down. It makes me glad to know that we have "gatekeepers"..members who take the time to remind us of our purpose and the purpose of this website.


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ


Yes, I totally agree. To be honest, I didnt have the guts to come up here and say what you have Dear Sister Amirah. Good on you.

There are many here, who, based on thier own bitter experiences, they tend to give advice that may change lives forever. We shouldnt let emotions overcome the sense that we have in us. Acting on emotions and not logic, can be very dangerous. We should be careful.

Very well said, Dear Sister Amirah. May Allah (SWT) give you Jannat ul Firdaus Insha Allah, Aameen.



Junior Member

Yes, if you don't know or are in doubt, and do not wish to look up the relevant matter in the Qur'an and hadith yourself, then it is best to step aside and keep quiet. But for those with sure knowledge, or a confident opinion based on their Qur'anic study (not "bitter experience"), please speak up and share!


This is so true. We forget that everything that we say and WRITE are being written down and recorded. We should think BEFORE we speak and if we do SPEAK provide the proper daleel to back it up before we put our foot in our mouths. May Allah keep us rightly guided, Ameen!



Junior Member
aselemu what you just said is 110 % correct..

we should not approach islam based on our own simple minds and logics...we must avoid that!

the prophet salalahu wa3alayhi weselem always remained friendly and calm even when someone really hurted his feelings or let him down in whatever way...but as soon as someone would do anything against the commands of ALLAH ta3ala..he would get angry and make very very clear that we must obey allahs commands if we want to be under ALLAHs shade on the day of judgement inshallah!!

so if ur respons isnt based on quraan and or sunnah..please be wise and remain quiet...for that is a wisdom too

Islam is Peace

Junior Member
SubhnAllah sister! that was very kind of u to do dat. May we all follow only the sunnah of our Prophet PBUH ..InshAllah Ameen
jzkAllah khiryun


Junior Member
slam in Islam

assalamu alaikum dear brothers and sisters-this subject is very good in reminding us to follow the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet(PBUH)--I am a revert of 9 months and enjoy this web site:astag: