for who want to study in Al-Azhar

Moataz G

Junior Member
Al Salamo Alykum W'rahmatto Allah w'barakatto

Well, I made this topic for people who are interested in studying at Al-Azhar University.Any one interested in studying islamic studies here in Egypt , I would be glad going to the university and asking them about questions you post.
Hoping en sha allah i satisfy all your questions.


Splendid idea!

Al Salamo Alykum W'rahmatto Allah w'barakatto

Well, I made this topic for people who are interested in studying at Al-Azhar University.Any one interested in studying islamic studies here in Egypt , I would be glad going to the university and asking them about questions you post.
Hoping en sha allah i satisfy all your questions.


Splendid idea!

~May Allah swt reward you tremendously
for your kind concern and thoughtfulness
that will benefited our ummah~Amin!

'id Mubarak!

Take Care!
Thank you,
