Forgive me


Servant of Allah
:salam2: My dearest brothers and sisters...i have been on the forum since April, some of us may have had debates but as your muslim sister i'd like to ask you all to forgive me for anything hurtful or mean that i may have said. i really am sorry. I'm a human being and may not remember and actions speak louder than words. so please 'afwun ya ikhwani fillah. sincerely your sister
Asalaamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu.:hijabi:

abdul ghaleeb

yes me too...forgive me too brothers and sisters who i offended...
may we solve our conflicts by peaceful diologue
remember we are not animals who eat eachother up like cats and dogs ever time we get into arguement....
we are slaves in bondage....
muslims to allaah(swt)...
and we can do better then animals who rip eachother heads off when they get anger...
so please forgive me too and my tempre and may my actions be louder then words this time...
and glory be to Allaah(swt) the greatest treasure
and me He grant us the most beautiful family ever of muslim ummah on one of the best websites ...


New Member
yes, insyaAllah we know how to act and speak to our muslim brother and sister as Quran teach us: softly..

and we know how to act to musriq who fight againts us: show our pride and power.

as a muslim, we have to husnudzhon.. sometimes we're differents but insyaAllah... we're still united in Islam.