Forwarded Emails


New Member
Sorry but I am unsure as to which 'section' to put this message in.

I was wondering if any Brothers or Sisters upon this forum have some wonderful forwarded emails about Islam that I could pass onto my friends? I have looked upon the internet; but they seem to be humourous more than serious :|

Thankyou, and any help is much appreciated :)
Insh'Allah :)


Staff member
Wa alaykum salam,

I think we need be careful that the emails are not fictitious tales and stories.

We should only pass on emails that really have Ayah from Quran and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (salalalhu alayhi wa salam)

There are many emails that circulate that are not good, such as where there is a letter from the Devil, or someone writes an email and pretends to be God etc, or other fake bizarre stories, these are not Islamic.