Free DVD's for Gaza House parties!


Junior Member
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Muslim
Date: Jan 8, 2009 12:50 PM


Inform and Mobilize your Community about Gaza, the West Bank, and the History of Injustice!

If Americans Knew is providing FREE DVDs of the award-winning documentary Occupation 101 to people who will hold screenings for friends, family, neighbors, community members, etc.

Request your free DVD: http://www. ifamericansknew. org/about_us/freeocc101. html

It is clear that we need to increase the number of people calling on Congress, President-Elect Obama, and President Bush to end the carnage in Gaza.
The way to do that is by each of us giving our neighbors the facts!

While supplies last, we will give you:

* a DVD of the powerful film Occupation 101 to show.
(To view clips from Occupation 101 go to:http://www. occupation101. com/multimedia. html )

* a fact sheet about the current siege and attack on Gaza for your guests to take home.

* a copy of our own DVD containing all our short videos (including a 4-minute video about Jeffrey Goldberg, CNN's misleading "expert," who has been commenting about Gaza without telling viewers that he is a past -- and possibly current -- member of the Israeli military: http://www. ifamericansknew. org/about_us/goldbergw. html )

Your gathering may consist of a few friends or ten, of your cousin or your entire extended family, of a few dorm or apartment mates or your entire hall. You could include coffee and tea, or pizza, or Palestinian food, or you could just keep it simple and quick. The point is to do something as soon as possible! And we'll help.

Request your free DVD: http://www. ifamericansknew. org/about_us/freeocc101. html

Silence Is Not An Option

Gaza is not a natural disaster for which we should simply donate humanitarian aid. Unlike a tsunami or an earthquake, which we cannot stop, this is a man-made disaster – and one that we are all funding through the over $7 million per day of our tax money to Israel. Therefore, we and our fellow Americans can end this carnage by demanding that Congress stop Israel's illegal and murderous use of our tax money.

Please contact us for a DVD and tell us approximately how many fact sheets you will need via our online form: http://www. ifamericansknew. org/about_us/freeocc101. html or send an email to orders@IfAmericansKnew. org with "Gaza House Party" in the subject header.

Also, please consider making a donation toward the cost of this project! In particular, it would be wonderful if anyone who cannot host one of these gatherings, could help the project succeed by making a contribution.
You can make your tax-deductible donation online at http://www. ifamericansknew. org/donate or by mailing a check payable to:

If Americans Knew

6312 SW Capitol Hwy, #163

Portland, OR 97239-1938

Thank your for your commitment to ending the slaughter. Our efforts can mean that children will remain alive and whole who otherwise will be killed or maimed.

Make Your Voice Heard

Please contact your elected officials every day until this carnage is brought to an end. Even a short email or phone call makes a difference.

President-Elect Obama: http://change. gov/page/s/yourvision

President Bush: http://www. whitehouse. gov/contact/

Your Senators: http://www. senate. gov/general/contac... nators_cfm. cfm

Your Member of the House of Representatives: https://writerep. house. gov/writerep/welcome. shtml

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