Friday prayer


Junior Member
Asalama halikum dear brothers and sisters,

Today when I was going to the masjid, my head was full of thoughts about my future, education, career, and all the materialistic things I wanted to purchase in the near future.

The imam gave a beautiful Qudba about prayers, at the end he told us about one of the brothers, his wife passed away yesterday. She was 19 years old, 6 months pregnant.

I was shocked like someone put a knife in mine heart. The way I was thinking before I got to the masjid. I realised how meaningless this life is, nothing is guaranteed in this life. Tomorrow could be your day. Take advantage of the time you have. If there is anything you want to do for the benefit of our deen or your imaan, don’t delay it. Whatever vanishes of time will neither return nor be replaced.

I am going to the janazha, in a minute.

Please do dua for our sister, who passed away. Insallah she will go to a beter place.

asalama halikum


Be A Stranger

Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi raji'un

May Allah s.wt have mercy on her and grant her Jannatul Firdaus.

SubhanAllah, make we make this as a reminder to ourselves.



May Allah give her place in Janat fil dos and rightly said there is nothing more important in this world than good deeds which will help us in afterlife.