

Junior Member
We muslims know that we have to try to act the best in front of kuffars to make them convert to islam.We need to behave super good on fridays because friday is the day were we celebrate it like eid. We muslims should wear brand new clothes on friday,mens should also do the same and mens should go to the mousque and pray salah .Although some women also come but they don't have to because you can also pray in your house.But for men they have to go to the mousque even if they are at work.They would have to leave their jobs and go to the mousque and pray salah and ask for forgiveness and worship allah (swt).I hope you liked my thread feel free to tell me if i made any mistakes like my teacher appa does and please if you don't have anything nice to say to a ten years old please don't write mean posts that can hurt my feelings like some people do thank you.If you ever worry about keeping your skin clean read this by me it is called keeping your skin clean by alaimakhalid6767


Used to be active here!
Assalaamu alaykkum,

All your posts are cute. I will give you a quick tip. In shaa Allah start a new thread titled 'Alaima's Zone' and post everything that comes to your mind there. Because if you open more and more new threads, people will not be able to read all your posts. Also mention in your new thread about your age so that people will understand that it is their little sister that is posting.

And 'mens' is not the plural form of man, rather it is only 'men'. Spelling for masjid is 'Mosque'. (next time when i make a mistake, you correct me.. yeah?)

No one here will be mean to you insha Allah. Probably they didn't know how old you are, so pardon them. We muslims should forgive each other to earn Allah's forgiveness, shouldn't we?



:jazaak: little sister for this nice post,mashaAllah brother Ilyas has given some good tips.Looking forward to reading more of your posts insha'Allah.
Keep writing insha'Allah.