
Bint Abdulkadir
salam alaykum this is a poem i relate to and my best mate are not in best terms ..and im still suffering the broken heart,.....why does something so good always end up in bitterness....

I see your smile
I know your mind
No words need be said
I understand.

Focused on each other
We listen and we care
Laughter ripples like water
Together, we are.

Others are here, yes,
And we value them, yes,
But a special bond remains,
A line between us two.

Each friendship is special
Each is unique
And so is ours
We know.

And then time begins to roll
and rear it’s ugly head
Change begins
Now a little less than before.

Slowly, surely,
Not knowing why
Faster, stronger, without care
Our world shifts and shimmers and splits.

Shattered shards cascade down
Spurred by angry, lashing words
Contorted faces, stone deaf ears
Outside the whirlwind,
We die inside.

The scars run deep
Jagged clefts in our souls
We have suceeded in hurting
And hurt ourselves.

So you move on
And I remain
We keep on living
Turn our faces apart.

Now I glance across
At you from outside
Shaded eyes dry with tears
New friends, new life.

Laughter, smiling (clenched teeth)
The flippant toss of the head
The enclosure surrounds you
I cannot come near.

From behind my glass window
I know more than those within
I see the hurt in your eyes
I know the pain in your smile
I have been there before - I love you
Why do you pretend?

I hate to see your pain
And I cry inside
Tears deep within my soul
I cannot help you anymore.

What we had once
We can never have again.

The scars run deep,
But I still care.

You were my friend.


to allah i turn....
salam very nice poem thanks 4 sharin and also hope things rk out between u also dnt 4get u got me n de ppl of tti


Junior Member
salam alaykum this is a poem i relate to and my best mate are not in best terms ..and im still suffering the broken heart,.....why does something so good always end up in bitterness....

I see your smile
I know your mind
No words need be said
I understand.

Focused on each other
We listen and we care
Laughter ripples like water
Together, we are.

Others are here, yes,
And we value them, yes,
But a special bond remains,
A line between us two.

Each friendship is special
Each is unique
And so is ours
We know.

And then time begins to roll
and rear it’s ugly head
Change begins
Now a little less than before.

Slowly, surely,
Not knowing why
Faster, stronger, without care
Our world shifts and shimmers and splits.

Shattered shards cascade down
Spurred by angry, lashing words
Contorted faces, stone deaf ears
Outside the whirlwind,
We die inside.

The scars run deep
Jagged clefts in our souls
We have suceeded in hurting
And hurt ourselves.

So you move on
And I remain
We keep on living
Turn our faces apart.

Now I glance across
At you from outside
Shaded eyes dry with tears
New friends, new life.

Laughter, smiling (clenched teeth)
The flippant toss of the head
The enclosure surrounds you
I cannot come near.

From behind my glass window
I know more than those within
I see the hurt in your eyes
I know the pain in your smile
I have been there before - I love you
Why do you pretend?

I hate to see your pain
And I cry inside
Tears deep within my soul
I cannot help you anymore.

What we had once
We can never have again.

The scars run deep,
But I still care.

You were my friend.

mashallah, sister. I like when you say " what we had once, we can never have again. you know you can have more than what you two had again by learning from you past and that will make you stronger. so, give this to that friend. you seem like good friend. take care and I hope everything works out and you two are friends again.


Bint Abdulkadir
salam alaykum

well i have to say things didnt work out she decided to cut me off purely out of arrogance. i went over to her place and she blamed everything on me basically ...when she was the one who was not talking to me properly for whole 3 months...sad thing is i cared too much for her and her family...and within a day she decided to cut me off....whatever happened to forgive and forget?


New Member
Nice poem sister - I loved it.

I write poems myself for this girl i was seeing for 2 years....

So i can understand how hard it was to write that.

Great effort.

It's sad to hear your friend cutting you out - i guess you have to leave it to Allah (swt) to deal with her now and you have to move on.

Insallah she realises what she has done and when she does, it will be too late.

selam sister