Girl troubles


Junior Member
Be patient brother, approach her with the best of behavior n sincerely tell her about ur feelings n share ur thoughts on Islam with her.If she is better for u then Allah will bring her for u by changing her heart but if there is any evil in her for u then Allah will save u.


Reversion to Islam, Reasons, Patterns, Clues & Help!

Asslamo Allaikum,

When I started practising I found that people (especially girls) didn't really understand; perhaps I was a lot younger & not able to convey it properly…But they were still willing to go along because of the relationship

Discussions off course are the first step; but please understand that there are plenty of hurt people (Brother/Sisters) around who made decisions based on emotions rather then sound judgement.

There are plenty of reverts who come into Islam because of a romantic/love affiliations; many of them stay, prosper and strengthen, while others stay with Islam (but don’t practise fully); while many actually (unfortunately) leave Islam so this is a very delicate subject. I find that we happily brandish statistics about reverts but there are very few statistics about how they progress; once they are actually in Islam, support structures for them etc. I would love to see some really good work in the area of reverts & how they can be assisted, some good studies (and Meta Studies) charting lives of people, looking for patterns, searching for clues and then actually studying what help is needed & how best to provide it. I know many including reverts might disagree with my thoughts, some may even find it preposterous; as I am reducing a life-changing event into a study but I (personally) beleive that a study is essential for us to cater for reverts...We need to understand the Problem (excuse the usage of the word as I am in no way suggesting that reverts are a Problem: Astaghfirullah) before we can find a Solution. Almost every single revert I have ever met (Brother/Sister) complains of initial confusion and lack of Support. So this is strictly my opinion based on experince in many continents across reverts of different races, ethnicity and origins

Personally I am a man of sound judgement (Head) rather then Heart and admire people who are able to take a leap of faith…Power to Love but I have also seen plenty who fall and fall badly…

No ONE right way to do this; I suppose