Going through a depression...


Assalamu Alaikum... I'm going through a severe depression where at first it started with me getting fatigue and not wanting to go to school or work. I would feel this heaviness within myself as if I couldn't walk and these strong feelings of loneliness. I thought I was being lazy and didn't think any by it. But it started to affect my sleeping to the point where I couldn't sleep at night at all. I felt like I was going crazy and started to lose weight and my complexion was starting to get darker as I looked like I was sick. Subhan'Allah words can't describe how depression affects your life. It really is true when they say their is a stigma as I did everything from asking Scholar's and Sheik's the cure for depression. As most of the ones I contacted would say it was a lack of Iman. It made me even feel more worse that here I was having this depression and being told it was a result of a lack of faith. I prayed so much, made a lot of dua and forgiveness. But I knew I had to tie my camel as well so I seen specialist and went on different medications. I still suffer till this day and it seems to be getting worse but I have faith in Allah SWT that I will be cured from this illness. And I say do not give up.:)