
warda A


This is a reminder, before you speak about someone else, think...........


Many Muslims show a great deal of piety by refraining from eating imported meats, especially tinned meat; they are very cautious about this matter for fear that it may have been slaughtered in a manner that goes against sharee’ah. This is a commendable effort, but there are other kinds of meat which are so subtle that even the pious do not detect them and the cautious do not spot them. The reason for that is that the meat which they want to avoid is visible and tangible, nothing is hidden from those who keep watch because the one who eats it will be seen doing so, whilst this is not the case with regard to the other, but both of them are described as eating. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?” [al-Hujuraat 49:12] (referring to human flesh, i.e., gossip). Yes, this is what Allaah calls it: “Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?” There is a great deal of evidence to show that it is haraam, to point out how dangerous it is and to demonstrate the abhorrence of being caught indulging in this sin. It was narrated that Ibn Mas’ood said: “We were with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when a man got up and left. Immediately another man spoke disparagingly of him. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him: ‘Clean between your teeth.’ He asked, ‘Why do I need to clean between my teeth? I have not eaten any meat.’ He said, ‘You have eaten your brother’s flesh.’” (Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani).


People are indulging in this sin, and there is no greater proof of that than the day-to day reality that we see. When one of those who feels protective jealousy with regard to the sacred limits of Allaah and does not want them to be violated, is denounced for this sin which may condemn them to Hell, he responds with the words that are on so many people’s lips: “Don’t you want us to talk at all?” Subhaan Allaah, is their talk limited only to that which Allaah has forbidden to His slaves? Whoever thinks about this response will see the extent to which the Muslim community is split apart instead of supporting one another. It is as if we have not heard the words of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day, let him say something good or else let him keep silent.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, hadeeth 6135)

This is the response to what they say: it is not good to commit this major sin, so keep silent if you have nothing good to say. Whoever keeps quiet will be saved.


You may ask me how come the righteous in particular fall into this sin despite the fact that they of all people should be furthest removed from it? I say: there are reasons why they fall into this sin, which they share in common with the rest of the people. These include:

* Being friendly and going along with one’s companions. He thinks that if he denounces them they will start to dislike him.
* Wanting to get back to someone. The more angry one is with a person, the more he enjoys gossip about him.
* Wanting to raise one’s own position by bringing others down and attacking their position.
* Playing and joking; he may want to make others laugh by doing impressions of people.
* Hasad (envy). If people are praising a man, he says, ‘There is such and such wrong with him, and I know him better than you do.’ He has no other way of getting at the person whom he envies apart from slandering and criticizing him.
* Having too much free time and feeling bored, so that one can find nothing else to occupy one's time apart from mentioning people’s faults. This is because he is not using his time to worship Allaah. There are more obligatory duties than there is time to do them. The salaf used to say, “If you do not keep your nafs (self) busy, it will keep you busy.”
* Trying to go along with one’s boss or manager in finding fault with an employee whom he does not like, in order to gain favour with him.

Think about it:

You mix with innumerable people, including relatives and friends, teachers and neighbours. Beware lest tomorrow you see them standing with you before Allaah, and you see your friends and loved ones seeking redress for the slandering of their honour to which you subjected them.

By: Badr al-Suhayl

Al-Bayaan magazine, issue #152, p. 138


Your Sister In Islam
thanks sis for posting this.
i have tried to stop doing that cause it's sin, and i haven't done it in a while now. hamdoullillah.



warda A


I was wondering,if you talked good about someone and the person is not present, does it fall under gossip?


Servant of Allah
that's what i heard. that even if you say something nice about someone else it falls under gossip. it's better they say that you tell the person so it won't be a gossip then. but i have no evidence what so ever so if someone knows please post it. wallahu a'lam. asalamu alaykum.



I was wondering,if you talked good about someone and the person is not present, does it fall under gossip?

first , it is nice to be reminded once and while :astag::astag::astag:

about your question , no sister it is not gossip to talk good about others when they are absent , on the contrary , it is not recomanded to prias one while he is hearing.
now you ask for proof , i'll send it as i can translate it , inshallah

warda A

first , it is nice to be reminded once and while :astag::astag::astag:

about your question , no sister it is not gossip to talk good about others when they are absent , on the contrary , it is not recomanded to prias one while he is hearing.
now you ask for proof , i'll send it as i can translate it , inshallah




first , it is nice to be reminded once and while :astag::astag::astag:

about your question , no sister it is not gossip to talk good about others when they are absent , on the contrary , it is not recomanded to prias one while he is hearing.
now you ask for proof , i'll send it as i can translate it , inshallah
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
this authentic hadeeth point out that the differnce when talking a bout others is (dislike )

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Do you know what is backbiting?'' The Companions said: "Allah and His Messenger know better.'' Thereupon he said, "Backbiting is talking about your (Muslim) brother in a manner which he dislikes.'' It was said to him: "What if my (Muslim) brother is as I say.'' He said, "If he is actually as you say, then that is backbiting; but if that is not in him, that is slandering.''[Muslim].


Dear brothers and sisters,
as i came after long and jumped in this thread as it is very important especially in the present islamic world....which need much attention..

As my point here is that..wat if a person wil ask u abt a person whom he/she is going to merry, isnt that allowed to explain abt that person wheather he is good or bad in his character...as i know that we have to speak truth eventhough abt his bad things or bad habits to prevent the person for such marriage. is it comes under the same rule as gossip...
inshaAllah i wil try to get its details soon inshallah...
if anybody knows with authentic source plz provide it here..
jazak Allah sister warda for bringing this topic here...


Junior Member
good post mashallah!!

i hate gossip's with a passion!
wolahi i dislike people when i catch them doing it, even if when it starts innocent, just by remembering someone.

i dislike my friends that gossip, especially when they are men...some people live for the gossip..mashallah some hearts are hard like stone..following and spreading the newest and latest gossips instead of doing something usefull that will benefit a person when he meets ALLAH ta3ala!

what should a person do when he hears others gossip? when its a relative i normally say something of it..even its my own mother whom i love very very much..namima is haram and a big sin...
but when a friend of mine gossips or tries to tell me the latest news on someone i make clear using bodylanguage that i do not want to be part of it..im ashamed to say directly: brother cut this bull*!*!*!*! off! its haram!...but im sure many wouldnt understand me...

allah y hdie jamee3 al muslimeen!!


New Member

1. Oppression - It is permissible for the one who is oppressed to complain about his situation to the ruler or the judge or anyone else who holds authority or has the ability to grant him justice against his oppressor. He should say: "Such and such person wronged me" and "he did such thing to me", and "he coerced me in this manner" and so on.
2. Seeking assistance in changing an evil and in returning a sinner back to what is correct - One should say to the individual whom he expects has the capability of putting a stop to the evil: "Such and such person did this, so I prevented him from it" or something to that effect. His objective should be to look for a way to ultimately put an end to the evil. If he does not intend that as his goal, then it is forbidden (for him to mention it).

3. Seeking a fatwa (religious ruling) - One should do this by saying to the muftee (scholar capable of issuing a fatwa): "My father" or "my brother" or "such and such person wronged me in this way." "Does he have the right to do so?" "How shall I go about putting an end to it and obtain my right while repelling oppression from myself?" and so on. Likewise, one may say: "My wife did such and such to me" or "my husband did such and such a thing" and so on. This is permissible due to the necessity for it, however, to be more cautious, it is better for one to say: "What do you say about a man who has done such and such thing?" or "concerning a husband" or "concerning a wife who did such and such" (without saying “my”), etc.

4. Warning and Advising the Muslims against Evil - There are several perspectives to this, of which one is: Declaring someone unreliable in the field of narrating hadeeth and giving testimony. This is permissible to do, according to the Ijmaa' (consensus of the Muslim scholars). Rather, it becomes obligatory due to its necessity. Another case is when an individual desires to enter into a relationship with another person either through marriage, business, the consignment of property, the consigning of something to him or any other of the daily affairs. It is obligatory on you to mention to that individual what you know about the person he wants to get involved with, with the intention of advising him.

5. When one openly exposes his acts of evil or his innovation - An example of this is when someone has openly exposed his consumption of alcohol, or his illegal confiscation of people’s money and raising of their taxes unjustly and his usurping command wrongfully. It is thus permissible for one to talk about what that individual has made public. But it is forbidden to mention any of his other defects, unless they fall under one of the categories

6. Defining someone - If someone is known to the people by his nickname, such as “the bleary eyed one”, “the one who limps”, “the deaf guy”, “the blind guy”, “cross eyed”, “flat-nosed”, and other than that, then it is permissible to particularize him as such, with the aim of identifying him. However, it is forbidden to apply that to him, when one’s intention is to degrade him.


New Member
Dear brothers and sisters,
as i came after long and jumped in this thread as it is very important especially in the present islamic world....which need much attention..

As my point here is that..wat if a person wil ask u abt a person whom he/she is going to merry, isnt that allowed to explain abt that person wheather he is good or bad in his character...as i know that we have to speak truth eventhough abt his bad things or bad habits to prevent the person for such marriage. is it comes under the same rule as gossip...
inshaAllah i wil try to get its details soon inshallah...
if anybody knows with authentic source plz provide it here..
jazak Allah sister warda for bringing this topic here...

when an individual desires to enter into a relationship with another person either through marriage, business, any other of the daily affairs. It is obligatory on you to mention to that individual what you know about the person he wants to get involved with, with the intention of advising him.


Dear brothers and sisters,
as i came after long and jumped in this thread as it is very important especially in the present islamic world....which need much attention..

As my point here is that..wat if a person wil ask u abt a person whom he/she is going to merry, isnt that allowed to explain abt that person wheather he is good or bad in his character...as i know that we have to speak truth eventhough abt his bad things or bad habits to prevent the person for such marriage. is it comes under the same rule as gossip...
inshaAllah i wil try to get its details soon inshallah...
if anybody knows with authentic source plz provide it here..
jazak Allah sister warda for bringing this topic here...

daer brother , i hope this is what you asked for

Fatimah bint Qais (May Allah be pleased with her) said: I came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said to him: "Muawiyah and Abul-Jahm sent me a proposal of marriage.'' The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Muawiyah is destitute and he has no property, and Abul-Jahm is very hard on women.''
[Bukhari and Muslim].
""Commentary: We learn from this Hadith that it is permissible to mention the true facts, virtues and vices without equivocation, about the parties who intend to enter into wedlock provided one does it for their welfare.""

warda A


1. Oppression - It is permissible for the one who is oppressed to complain about his situation to the ruler or the judge or anyone else who holds authority or has the ability to grant him justice against his oppressor. He should say: "Such and such person wronged me" and "he did such thing to me", and "he coerced me in this manner" and so on.
2. Seeking assistance in changing an evil and in returning a sinner back to what is correct - One should say to the individual whom he expects has the capability of putting a stop to the evil: "Such and such person did this, so I prevented him from it" or something to that effect. His objective should be to look for a way to ultimately put an end to the evil. If he does not intend that as his goal, then it is forbidden (for him to mention it).

3. Seeking a fatwa (religious ruling) - One should do this by saying to the muftee (scholar capable of issuing a fatwa): "My father" or "my brother" or "such and such person wronged me in this way." "Does he have the right to do so?" "How shall I go about putting an end to it and obtain my right while repelling oppression from myself?" and so on. Likewise, one may say: "My wife did such and such to me" or "my husband did such and such a thing" and so on. This is permissible due to the necessity for it, however, to be more cautious, it is better for one to say: "What do you say about a man who has done such and such thing?" or "concerning a husband" or "concerning a wife who did such and such" (without saying “my”), etc.

4. Warning and Advising the Muslims against Evil - There are several perspectives to this, of which one is: Declaring someone unreliable in the field of narrating hadeeth and giving testimony. This is permissible to do, according to the Ijmaa' (consensus of the Muslim scholars). Rather, it becomes obligatory due to its necessity. Another case is when an individual desires to enter into a relationship with another person either through marriage, business, the consignment of property, the consigning of something to him or any other of the daily affairs. It is obligatory on you to mention to that individual what you know about the person he wants to get involved with, with the intention of advising him.

5. When one openly exposes his acts of evil or his innovation - An example of this is when someone has openly exposed his consumption of alcohol, or his illegal confiscation of people’s money and raising of their taxes unjustly and his usurping command wrongfully. It is thus permissible for one to talk about what that individual has made public. But it is forbidden to mention any of his other defects, unless they fall under one of the categories

6. Defining someone - If someone is known to the people by his nickname, such as “the bleary eyed one”, “the one who limps”, “the deaf guy”, “the blind guy”, “cross eyed”, “flat-nosed”, and other than that, then it is permissible to particularize him as such, with the aim of identifying him. However, it is forbidden to apply that to him, when one’s intention is to degrade him.


Jazakallahu kheiran for that

dear brother , i hope this is what you asked for

Fatimah bint Qais (May Allah be pleased with her) said: I came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said to him: "Muawiyah and Abul-Jahm sent me a proposal of marriage.'' The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Muawiyah is destitute and he has no property, and Abul-Jahm is very hard on women.''
[Bukhari and Muslim].
""Commentary: We learn from this Hadith that it is permissible to mention the true facts, virtues and vices without equivocation, about the parties who intend to enter into wedlock provided one does it for their welfare.""
Yesterday 08:02 PM

May Allah Ta'al reward you