H1N1 - True story

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Just sharing this inshAllah will benefits all of us.
I will not mentioned anybody's name here, the most important is what we want to learn from this story.
The story is about a mother, her 3-year-old child was confirmed positive for swine flu and was in a very serious condition.
Just happened a couple of weeks ago in Malaysia, a place called Rantau Panjang.
The hospital has gave up on this child but not the mother.
She decided to turn to Allah and performed 4 rakaat of salatul hajat.
Alhamdulillah, by the mercy of Allah the child has since fully recovered.

What actually she did in her prayer? What surah she read?

According to my source (one sheikh), this lady recited surah al-Ikhlas in every rakaat as per following:

40 times in the first rakaat.
30 times in the second rakaat

She did another two rakaat:

20 times in the first rakaat.
10 times in the last rakaat.

In total, she did 4 rakaat of salatul hajat and recited surah al-Ikhlas 100 times. MashAllah!!!!

Then she made du'a to Allah in tears (I think only mothers know how she went through such an episode).

I think it is needless to say what we have learn from the above true story.


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
Salaam Alikom

Akhi, I understand you trying to help people but I want you to ask if this is from Sunnah, reciting one surrah 40, 30 and 20 times? Allah said in Quran Ask me and I will give you, all we have to do is to follow sunnah of the prophet peace be up on him and dont try to create new things in the religion.

As for the swine flue topic I want you notice what the media circulating that one of the way to protect your self from swine flue is to wash your hands, nostrils regularly, so the key is the hygiene of your body

And our Prophet said in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him who said:

The Prophet compared this experience of making ablution and praying five times a day to having a river running in front of one’s house. If one bathed in that river five times a day, would any filth remain on his body? Likewise,

the ablution and Prayer five times a day removes one’s sins and also prevents him from sinning.

سبحان الله النظافة والغسل اليدين والوجه و الانف للحماية من هذا الفيروس ورسولنا قال عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: أرأيتم لو أن نهراً بباب أحدكم يغتسل منه كل يوم خمس مرات هل يبقى من درنه شيء؟ قالوا: لا يبقى من درنه شيء، قال: فذلك مثل الصلوات الخمس يمحو الله بهن الخطايا) متفق عليه..فعليكم بالصلاة و ايضا لا تنسوا الحبة السوداء


to Allah we belong
What actually she did in her prayer? What surah she read?

According to my source (one sheikh), this lady recited surah al-Ikhlas in every rakaat as per following:

40 times in the first rakaat.
30 times in the second rakaat

She did another two rakaat:

20 times in the first rakaat.
10 times in the last rakaat.

In total, she did 4 rakaat of salatul hajat and recited surah al-Ikhlas 100 times. MashAllah!!!!

Then she made du'a to Allah in tears (I think only mothers know how she went through such an episode).

I think it is needless to say what we have learn from the above true story.

Alhumdulillah that her son is cured now.

but regarding reading 100 times Surah Ikhlas..i dont think its there in sunnah.

but u see brother, Allah listened to her Dua's.

why?? bcoz she had 100% trust in Allah that He can sure her son.

why?? bcoz she cried before her Rabb and that increased Allah's love for His female servant.

she did not sit that nothing can happen now. she had tawakkaul. full tawakkul. mashallah

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
It is surprising to know there is opinion salatul hajat is bid'ah. In my country, everyone do salatul hajat and sometime the govt ask us to peform this salat after Friday salat whenever there is disaster. We did for Gaza, for Iraq, when there was tsunami here, haze and most recently because of H1N1. We have 14 muftis here but none said this is bid'ah. I will continue to search from their on-line fatwa if any. But nothing is done in congregation at our masjid without the mufti being consulted.

HONESTLY I'm not disputing this but greatly shock. Because this salat is normal practice in this region and most of our sheikh are educated
from Egypt, Jordan, Madinah, Syria etc. Surprising non of them said this salat is bid'ah in fact they enourage it.

I learned recently there are two types of bid'ah, according to Imam Nawawi. You may read from below link.


Allah knows best and thanks for highlighting anyway. Surely I'm going to e-mail to the mufti office asking him to clarify.


to Allah we belong
It is surprising to know there is opinion salatul hajat is bid'ah. In my country, everyone do salatul hajat and sometime the govt ask us to peform this salat after Friday salat whenever there is disaster. We did for Gaza, for Iraq, when there was tsunami here, haze and most recently because of H1N1. We have 14 muftis here but none said this is bid'ah. I will continue to search from their on-line fatwa if any. But nothing is done in congregation at our masjid without the mufti being consulted.

HONESTLY I'm not disputing this but greatly shock. Because this salat is normal practice in this region and most of our sheikh are educated
from Egypt, Jordan, Madinah, Syria etc. Surprising non of them said this salat is bid'ah in fact they enourage it.

I learned recently there are two types of bid'ah, according to Imam Nawawi. You may read from below link.


Allah knows best and thanks for highlighting anyway. Surely I'm going to e-mail to the mufti office asking him to clarify.

no brother, its not bidah.

maybe the sources are not very authentic but of course its permissible.


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
Salaam Alikom

It would be better to ask a shiek about the authenticity of this prayer, our prophet peace be up on him told everything we need to do in case of need, if he didnt pray this prayer and non of his companion after him why would we create something new? even if the country leaders calling for this prayer just because they following traditions,

Our prophet peace be up on him told us what are the best time to make dua and which Dua to say at the time of hardship, if the story is true there is nothing special about it she asked Allah s.w.t and he gave her but that not an excuse to follow her foot steps.

There are people who pray to grave and still Allah give them what they ask for is that mean now we should do what they doing ?

Our religion is simple and easy all we need to do a little research, the time between Azaan and Iqammah the Duaa is accepted, Dua third part of the the night with prayer is accepted, dua during rain is accepted, etc

Salaat al-Haajah
My question has to do with praying to allah for a need. I know it is called satatul hajah. How many times does a person have to pray it and when should it be prayed. Is it right to pray it at the times when duaas are most likely to be answered

Praise be to Allaah.

It is prescribed for the Muslim to worship Allaah in the ways that He has prescribed in His Book, and in the ways that have been proven from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The principle concerning matters of worship is tawqeef [i.e., following what is in the Qur’aan and saheeh Sunnah; with no room for individual opinion]. And we cannot say that any act of worship is prescribed unless there is saheeh evidence.

The so-called Salaat al-Haajah was narrated in da’eef (weak) or munkar (denounced) ahaadeeth – as far as we know – which cannot be used as proof and which are not fit to base acts of worship on.

Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 8/162

The hadeeth narrated concerning Salaat al-Haajah says:

“From ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Abi Awfa al-Aslami, who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came out to us and said: ‘Whoever has need of something from Allaah or any one of His creation, let him do wudoo’ and pray two rak’ahs, then let him say, “There is no god but Allaah, the Forbearing, the Most Generous. Glory be to Allaah, Lord of the mighty Throne. Praise be to Allaah the Lord of the Worlds. O Allaah, I ask You for Your mercy and forgiveness and I ask You for all good things and for safety from all sins. I ask You not to leave any sin without forgiving it, or any distress without relieving it, or any need which it pleases You to fulfil without fulfilling it for me.” Then let him ask Allaah for whatever matter of this world or the Hereafter that he wishes, for it will be fulfilled.”

(Narrated by Ibn Maajah, Iqaamat al-Salaah wa’l-Sunnah, 1374)

Al-Tirmdihi said: this is a ghareeb [strange] hadeeth, and concerning its isnaad it was said: Faa’id ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmaan is weak in hadeeth.

Al-Albaani said: rather it is da’eef jiddan (very weak). Al-Haakim said: mawdoo’ (fabricated) ahaadeeth were narrated from Abu Awfa.

Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, vol. 1, p. 417

The author of al-Sunan wa’l-Mubtada’aat said, after mentioning what al-Tirmidhi said concerning Faa’id ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmaan: Ahmad said he is matrook (left, i.e., his hadeeth is not to be accepted), and Ibn al-‘Arabi described him as da’eef (weak).

And he said: You know what is said concerning this hadeeth. It is better and more perfect and safer for you to make du’aa’ to Allaah in the depths of the night and between the adhaan and iqaamah and at the end of every prayer before the tasleem; and on Fridays, for then there are times when du’aa’ is answered; and when breaking one’s fast. For your Lord says (interpretation of the meanings):

‘Invoke Me [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islamic Monotheism) and ask Me for anything] I will respond to your (invocation)’[Fussilat 40:60]

‘And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor)’[al-Baqarah 2:186]

‘And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allaah, so call on Him by them’[al-A’raaf 7:180].” al-Sunan wa’l-Mubtada’aat by al-Shuqayri,
p. 124

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


Junior Member
It is surprising to know there is opinion salatul hajat is bid'ah. In my country, everyone do salatul hajat and sometime the govt ask us to peform this salat after Friday salat whenever there is disaster. We did for Gaza, for Iraq, when there was tsunami here, haze and most recently because of H1N1. We have 14 muftis here but none said this is bid'ah. I will continue to search from their on-line fatwa if any. But nothing is done in congregation at our masjid without the mufti being consulted.

HONESTLY I'm not disputing this but greatly shock. Because this salat is normal practice in this region and most of our sheikh are educated
from Egypt, Jordan, Madinah, Syria etc. Surprising non of them said this salat is bid'ah in fact they enourage it.

I learned recently there are two types of bid'ah, according to Imam Nawawi. You may read from below link.


Allah knows best and thanks for highlighting anyway. Surely I'm going to e-mail to the mufti office asking him to clarify.


first jazak Allahu ckair for sharring the storry with us. when i have a wish I turn to Allah.... that is not bida...? i mean i´m not a schoolar or someone of knowledge but do we not pray in surat Al Fatiha "only You we whorship and only You we ask for help" once I prayed two rakkas for patience... and praying a prayer if one has a wish is not wrong... but i think If i pray surah Al icklas only one time and with devotion Allah will also answer my prayer ... I don´t have to pray 40 times.... do I....?
