hadith software


Slave of Allah (swt)

may Allah (swt) forgive us all and accept our righteous deeds- ameen

Does anyone know of a free software, that will allow me to read Al-Bukhari and also give explanation to hadith so i can better understand them?

Thank You


Slave of Allah (swt)

Here's a site, just click on hadith explorer or hadith (which I think gives commentary).



JazakAllah khair for sharing i already have this software it does have the hadith but there are no notes or explanation on it, i know there are some hadith which are linked to other or have a background information attached to them, i want to understand hadith in detail so thats why im looking for a software like that.


This is not what you requested, but it has some of what you are seeking.

This website: http://www.sesamesoft.ca/hadith/index.php

I subscribe, they give me on a daily basis, hadith in Arabic and English with commentary.


thank You very much brother but i need a software, and i really like how the website gives commentary i need a software that does that too.

meer suhail

ILM seeker
Asalam o Alykum

i have one such software ,when youll be on ill send it to you , it has some selected hadiths ,but more than enough i think ,

Asalam o Alykum


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

Riyadh Us Saliheen is a good start as the hadeeth have commentary and are fairly easy to understand. Plus, there is a good link that I would like to share for the explanation of hadeeth in Riyadh us Saliheen.


Riyadh Us Saliheen pdf in available for download on 'Free TTI books everyday' thread.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi