

Servant of Allah
:salam2: My dear brothers and sisters, we all go through hardship at one point or another; some of us are tested by the loss of a loved one, by the separation of family members or even by a hurtful word uttered from someone who we may not know. We may feel down, degraded, hopeless and miserable but remember that Allah does not forsake his servants. If you remember Allah and endure with all that pain, you will be successful but if you give way to shaytan and forget about Allah, then you'll be a failure. Remember the mercy of Allah, every second of your life he took care of you...never abandoning you. He gave you life, provided you with everything that you needed. so when we experience a misfortune are we to blame Allah? are we to accuse him after all that he has done for us? This is just a reminder to be steadfast, to be patient, to endure and to always hope for the best. There are those who are killed day and night, who suffer from starvation, who loose their loved ones in war....palestine, somalia, iraq, and many more. There isn't a day where they don't experience hardship...some of them longing for death because of such hardships. A mother seeing her child's leg taken away by the shot of a gun, a brother so full of sorrow because of the sexual crimes against his mother/sister/aunt, and the father who is forced to watch his family fall apart in front of his own eyes...how would you feel if that had happened to you? Day and night they live in fear, hoping for the mercy of Allah...and awaiting their appointed time for death. Look at the orphans who must live from one home to another without siblings and without a real family. Many of them feeling empty inside and wishing for a mother and father who would treat them with kindness and generousity. My dear brothers/sisters i know that many experience hardship...but let's endure and help those who are less fortunate than us. Let them know that we are by their side, and in our hearts lets make dua for them all and for us all. I leave you with this hadeeth inshaAllah; " The affair of the believer is amazing, for all his situations are beneficial for him, and this is only in the case of the believer. If good times come to him he is thankful, and thus it was good for him; and if bad times befall him he is patient, and it is also good for him". reported by suhayb and collected by muslim, sahih Muslim, vol. 4 pg 1541, hadith no. 7138