hate for islam


Junior Member

just to let all you brothers and sisters know, " theres nothing we can do because there is no witnesses or evidence" so another racist has got away!


Junior Member
assamo alikom wa rahmato Allah wa barakato.

Brother Mikail,

First of all thanks for sharing this shameful episode with us. May Allah bring justice to you and to all our fellow muslims in similar situations enshaAllah.
I just wanted to add that if you were living in a different country, like a so called "third world country" there would be no way you could do anything about it! I know because I come from one of this countries.
My point is brother : you should say Alhamdulillah because I think you just live in the perfect place to sue and be heard! Listen to all the good advises you have received. Please don't hesitate and go to the media. I know how it works in the UK, so please take advantage of this!
So many unjustices against Islam around the world and people just have to lower the head, shut up and walk away. Allah knows best. May Allah guide us all.


Junior Member

just to let all you brothers and sisters know, " theres nothing we can do because there is no witnesses or evidence" so another racist has got away!

thats ashame, and very unjust, maybe you can send your story through email, they pick up alot of attention and people can still be made aware.. obv you cant sue, but maybe you could do that instead.