Have you ever felt this way??

proud muslim

Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum,

This is the first poem i ever wrote..and its so special to me as it describes my personal experience,and i thought of sharing it with u ..just to tell those who had the same experience that they are not alone..and that they cud become better..

Have u ever felt this waY?

when u feel u dont wanna live another day
and for u the sky and stars are coloured grey
and ur life is no longer valuable by any way
and no one deserves ur care or ur pray

but then ur friend reminds u one day
that Allah is always there and never away
you just need to call him and say
"oh Allah dont let me go astray"

so i started doing what my friend said
i kept praying and praying till my tears were shed
i used to feel this way before i got all shred
before shaitan has tricked me and convinced me to fret

but i aint fallin for it again..i aint doin what i regret,
i'll continue my mission in life..i'll obey Allah and his prophet,
so if u ever felt this way..never give up never feel desperate,
just do what i did ..and u'll improve a hundred percent.

jazakum Allah kher..and plzz forgive me if the poem is too short or too childish..as im new to this field and its the 1st one i wrote as i mentioned

Assalamu alaikum


Junior Member
Masha-allah it's a good effort and very meaningful. I write poems I have a book and whenever I feel inspired I write in it.

Man’s way leads to a hopeless end — Allah’s way leads to an endless hope.


Junior Member
For a first effort all I can say is well done.

Poetry comes from the heart, it speaks about those things one cannot speak about personaly.
