'Healthier hearts' for cat owners


Junior Member

Cat owners appear to have a much lower risk of dying from a heart attack than their feline-spurning counterparts, a study suggests.

Researchers looked at nearly 4,500 adults and found that cat ownership was related to a 40% lower risk of suffering a fatal heart attack.

The team speculated that having a cat may reduce stress and anxiety, and so protect against cardiovascular disease.

The findings of the study were unveiled at the International Stroke Conference.

The study, led by Professor Adnan Qureshi at the University of Minnesota, suggested that even those who no longer owned a cat benefited from these protective effects.

But specifically, some 3.4% of those who owned a cat during the duration of the study died from a heart attack, compared with 5.8% of those who did not.

The benefits held true even after the researchers adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and high cholesterol.

However the authors warned against impulsive cat purchases.

They said while cats may indeed have a calming effect, it was unclear whether the kind of people who opted for a cat in the first place may have a lower risk of heart attack.

This study did not examine the advantages of having a dog, although previous research has suggested this too may have health benefits above and beyond taking them for walks.

The Pet Health Council notes "there is an increasing amount of research proving that contact with animals can bring real physiological and psychological benefits including reducing stress, helping to prevent illness and allergies, lowering blood pressure, aiding recovery and boosting fitness levels.

"Research has also shown that pet owners make fewer annual visits to the doctors than non pet owners proving the saying, 'a pet all day keeps the doctor away'.



sister :)
I once read something about how keeping pets improved the condition of alzheimers patients aswell!! It had something to do with getting them to remember that they had to feed their pets!!!

I'd love to keep a cat but im allergic to cats and dogs :(


Sister in Islam
my cat entertains me so much and me and my husband laugh everyday because of him!

i did regret getting him at first...i think the responsibility frightened me!

But now we love him to pieces!!!!

s 091

Junior Member

:SMILY259: Hi {assalum allaikum}. It is nice to read something like that, to assume that if you own a cat it could possibly help your health in the longterm, as I myself have a cat. But wether I chose tpo believe that is a different story. I don't really understand how somebody can say that because a cat is calming it may have an affect on the owner, therefore reducing the chance of having a stroke/heart attack. I think its a little bit strange to say that. Its like saying well dogs are more hyperactive so if you own one of them you have more chance of having a stroke/heart attack. Next thing you know someone will say they have done some tests and it turns out that if you have kids you are more likely to die younger because kids are hyper and even though they might not mean to they do cause you some stress. S I think I will stay on the fence with that statement...


Sister in Islam
I once read something about how keeping pets improved the condition of alzheimers patients aswell!! It had something to do with getting them to remember that they had to feed their pets!!!

I'd love to keep a cat but im allergic to cats and dogs :(

you could get one of those bald cats! :ma:


sister :)
oh no!! the bald cats are scary!!! :lol:theres some cartoon in which there is a scary bald cat...i don;t remember which one though :lol:


Everyday I thank Allah for the blessing He gave me.

My cat is a such a gem everyday is a day full of joy, love, and puuuuuuuuuuring. :ma: when I pray he comes and sat in front of me on the rug so peaceful.
I advice everyone to get one.....
May Allah keep my cat healthy:tti_sister:


Sister in Islam
oh no!! the bald cats are scary!!! :lol:theres some cartoon in which there is a scary bald cat...i don;t remember which one though :lol:

I'm not sure about cartoons but i remember in Friends when Rachel was given it and sold it to Gunther for loads of money (he liked her too much) because she couldn't stand the sight of it! lol

Don't know if my cat would be so cute without his fur!


sister :)
oh yeh i remember that...that cat was so scary...someone called it satans minion..it was that scary :lol:

i love the fluffy persian ones..but they make me sneeze :(

El Gordito

strength thru faith
i love my cat.. she looks like an oreo cookie.. or a penquin.. :)

now she might be good for me too? :) lemme go find her and give her a hug.


Junior Member

beware of black cats, for jin can apeare to humans in that shape of animals

I thought the jin could appears as snakes or dogs but not cats whatever its colour. :confused: :( and cats is one of my favourite animal/pets too.
