Hello there!


Junior Member
Hello everyone! Asslamu Aliqum!!

Having been visiting this Forum for about one weak, it seems that it will be a good site for me to learn about the deen's basics (and then later stages In sha Allah). I'll be searching for the topics I know I need to know about, and will be posting any questions. I hope the administrator wouldn't mind if I post individual questions (maybe someone can comment on it please) regarding the problems I think I might need help on.

I'm a typical Muslim teenager brother with, unfortunately, bit weak Iman and religious practices. Why I have been like that ermm isn't important I guess. (Alhamdulillah I'm back to Him now.) BUT I'm thankful to Someone who has finally made me realise that I wasn't acting like a proper Muslim so I need to learn what Islam really teaches about being a Muslim individual (and all rest of the lectures he has been giving I won't quote here. :D).

Soooo....hoping to meet Muslim brothers and sisters here! (It seems that most ppl call each other brother & sister here as opposed to the environment in which I've been brought up in...)

A polite request to Everyone: Please be easy & don't be harsh on me, or laugh etc as I don't as much as you do. :( Anyways here I am - a Muslim teenager trying to learn about the religion In sha Allah!!! :) :)

Take care guys,