

Junior Member

I don't know if anybody can help me out here but I guess I have nothing to loose. You see, there is a great irony to the situation I'm in. It so happened that I used to be quite an islamophobe not long ago, buying into stuff about muslims being terrorists and the veil is oppressive and such. You probably already know what I mean. Earlier this summer I decided to actually pick up translation of the Qur'an I bought 2-3 years ago. Tried to read it then but only got a couple of pages before I tired of it. Well, I gave it another try and this time, although still not entirely easy to read, not as difficult as previous try. After a few pages I noticed that this is not as bad as I thought. On the contrary it was quite beautiful. I have to admit that I still has a lot left as I'm only got to surah 6 but perhaps that is not as bad for someone who used to hate it or what do you think?

The weird thing is, after I started to read it I can't stop thinking of islam. I've also been surfing a lot on islam-sites. I found my way here by watching conversion videos on YouTube DailyMotion. I don't know what to do. One thought that has occured to me is that it is God that is leading me. As I'm from a protestant country, I guess I'm christian but on paper only, never in heart. It has never had any appeal to me. However, I have almost always believed in a higher being although not very well defined. In the 90's I started to drift more to new age but for the last few years I have found that incredibly shallow as well. Now it only makes me think of Dr. Phil, Oprah and such people. Not my cup of tea. Until now, when it seems that islam is my cup of tea however strange it might feels considering my past. At this point in time I do not know if I will convert or not but at least I'm more open towards it now than before. I've seen videos and read instructions about praying and I have to admit I admire those who has managed to memorize the whole Qu'ran. I cannot even memorize the verses in the prayer so I don't have a clue on how to learn that.

I'm middle-aged and naitive swedish and I don't know any muslims IRL. I don't know if I even dare to approach any since I'm also terribly shy. So here I am, hoping I will find my way somehow. Peace.


So happy to know

I am very delighted that you are reading the Koran.

May Allah (SWT) open your heart. May Allah (SWT) remove every prejudice from your hearts. Self reading is not always enough to judge the Holy Quoran or Hadith.

While reading Koran you should know that Koran was revealed over a period of 23 years, part by part, segment by segment and not always surah by surah. In other words, many chapters of Koran were not revealed at once. So in order to understand the verses of the Koran you should also know perspective or historical event that took place on the tiime of revelation. So found something not harmonious/contradiction be absolutely confidant that you are misunderstanding.

So read the Koran and whatever you fail to understand ask us or the learned person. We will help you.

May Allah (SWT) guide you to His straight path.


Junior Member
Thank you for your kind words. I'm very intuitive and I have had this gut feeling I'm on the right path now. All I know I can't stop thinking of islam and reverting and I'm very lonely and have nobody to talk to. If it is my destiny to become muslim, so be it as long as I get peace in my soul but I need a lot of support if I'm to do it, not only in cyber space but also IRL.


Junior Member
welcom Renee you are in the right way .and may Allah almighty guid you.

It is videos like that wants me to do it as well. I love the warmth and support she gets from sisters at the end of the video. If it comes down to this, I want it to be something similar like this.


Thank You

Felling lonely is really a problem. But do you know, What Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said.....

1. Whenever you enter your house say As sala mu ala-i kum even if you know there is nobody in the house. Because muslim Jins lives in the house of the righteous perosn's house.

2. Keep the bed neat and clean even if you never used that bed for sleeping because muslim Jin sleeps on the bed of a righteous house.

Not onlly that Jins prays for you always for that you are taking care of him.

To learn more listen to Billal Philips lecture in www.youtubeislam.com, title ''World of Jin"

Also look at the Hadith '' WHenver a believer remember Allah (SWT) by saying Mashallah, Allahi, Inshallah, Alhamdullillah, Jajak...Khayran etc, Allah (SWT) also praise him/her if front of the Angels.

Allah (SWT) ask the Angels '' Do they saw me? Do they hear me?'' Angels replies "Oh Allah (SWT) No" Allah (SWT) smiles and says to them ''You see still they remember me, priase me''. SUBHANALLAH. You see how much Allah (SWT) loves the believer. I am sorry I cannot give you the reference. But belive me the Hadiths I mention are true in meaning.

So you are not alone my dear sister. May Allah (SWT) give you a righteous soul mate, beautiful kids. Make your hardship easy.



Junior Member
Someone PM:ed me and left her email but my inbox was already full so I emptied it before I noted the email. I don't remember who it was but if you recognize having PM:ed me you might have to do it again. I won't mind talking to you on msn. Just so you don't think I'm ignoring you.


Junior Member
welcome to the site :)
and inshallah you'll be guided with light. may Allah subhana wa taala bless you for searching for truth :)


Striving for Paradise
This will help understand Quran.

As-salam-o-alikum Sister Renee,

I saw your post and I am so proud of you. It is really great to see one or two people every day joining TTI to find the truth and finally they do find the truth. I think you are guided by Allah (SWT) who has ultimate power to guide anyone. We humans can only make efforts, and this is what I am doing.

As you may already know Quran is not like other books where one chapters discusses one matter and the next chapter discusses another matter in sequence. Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in verses, these verses were assembled togather in a way that later verses were inserted according to the instructions of Allah. They were then divided into chapters according to His instructions. So one chapter may discuss several subjects, therefore it helps if someone explains them and provide some background information about those chapters and verses.

In the following website you can find a very good translation as well as explanation of Quran:


On the top there is a list of chapters and you can select range of verses because some chapters are long so they are divided into pieces e.g. verse [22-41] etc.
If you want to know the background of a chapter then click "Intro" (which is also at the top) and read. It is easy.

You can also use this as a quick reference for the background of a verse or its explanation at any time. Hope this will help you.
Good Luck Sister.



Still trying to increas Imaan
I am sure you are guided to correct path now and inshallah you will achieve that inner peace which is eluding you till now.
This forum is really beautiful and people here are so helpful you will never feel lonely and confused hereafter


Striving for Paradise
It is videos like that wants me to do it as well. I love the warmth and support she gets from sisters at the end of the video. If it comes down to this, I want it to be something similar like this.

Salam sister Renee,

Apparently this revert sister's husband is also a Muslim and she knows many other Muslim sisters in Sweden too, so if you could contact her then she could be a great help and resource for you.

This sister has her home page here:

And also she has her other page here:

I saw her name on her website and I think it was Cecilia. I suppose it will not be very difficult to contact her.


알라후 아크바르-Allah Akbar
Welcome to TTI Renee
May u benefit from this site.. May God guide u to the right path and open ur heart towards Islam.. Ameen
Enjoy ur stay :D
Take care


Junior Member
MashaAllah.. this is very nice to read.
Yes Islamofobia is caused by the media and it's very very sad. Sooo many people think it's a bad religion like u described =( Work of shaitaan but it's not working because Allah swt is almighty and he opens the hearts of the good people!


Junior Member

Den som Allah vägleder kan ingen vilseleda och den som Allah låter gå vilse kan ingen vägleda.

Allah vägleder folk dagligen till sanningen.
Den som Allah vägleder...

Här ser vi en ung kvinna som sökte efter svar, men fick aldrig de svaren hon sökte. Många människor växer upp i t.ex kristendomen eller judendomen eller vilken religion som helst utan att ifrågasätta det, och gör de det, får de svar som denna unga kvinnan fick, "Det bara är så, det står i Bibeln”. Jag använder mig utav kristendomen eftersom jag själv är en konvertit eller ska jag säga revertit. Jag vet själv eftersom jag aldrig ifrågesatte min förra religion utan jag följde den blint. Allah beskriver de som följer deras föräldrar eller förfäder blint:

Och när det sägs till dem, "följ det som Gud har nedsänt!", så säger de: "Vi följer [redan/istället] den [väg] som vi funnit våra förfäder vara på". [Skulle detta gälla] även om [ni visste att] era förfädrar inte skulle haft något förstånd, eller ha varit utan vägledning [2:170]

Dagens sanning vilket vi ser idag ske överrallt i världen. Om du ställer en fråga till en kristen om hans religion kommer han inte kunna ge dig de svaren du vill ha för han vet själv inte vad det är han följer, utan han föddes i det och det räcker. Frågar du en religiös kristen, kommer han/hon inte heller kunna ge dig de svar du söker. Det här är inte för att trampa på folks tår utan det är dagens sanning. Du ser folk bära kors av guld, silver och en massa andra sortes bling men de vet inte ens vad det korstet representerar. De kanske vet att Jesus "förmodat" ska ha korsfästs på den, men än så räcker inte deras kunskap. Denna unga kvinnan hittade sanningen och Allah vägledde henne med det. Alhamdolilah! Ha ett öppet sinne, ifrågasätt och ställ frågor. Tusentals människor hittar sanningen i Islam varje dag. I ett land som USA i vissa stater som t.ex Texas är det en majoritet av kvinnor som blir muslimer. Om Islam förtrycker kvinnor, hur kommer det sig att det är mer kvinnor än män som blir muslimer i vissa länder? Fundera på det. Människor träder in i Islam varje dag, varför? Pga av terrorism? För att de vill låsa in sina döttrar och döda varenda man som kommer i närheten av dem? Varför? Fundera på det. Fördomar om Islam kommer alltid att finnas, det har funnits under profeten Muhammeds (fred över honom) tid och det finns nu.

Men det finns bara en sanning och när folk ser den, underkastar dem den och accepterar det.

Det finns en andledning till allt detta och det är att det finns en sanning i Islam.

hassana elkoussi

Junior Member
Dear Renee,

It's so good to have you here on the site, and sooooooooo much better to find you thinking of Islam. You know what, as I was reading your post, the story of Prophet Joseph struck my mind. As a Christian, I'm sure you know about this Prophet who was thrown into a well by his brothers for being jealous of him . That's not the point here. My point was when some people passed by and dangled their bucket to have some water from this very well, Joseph (PBUH) saw this as the opportunity of a lifetime. He didn't give it a second thought, didn't even hesitate, though he was just a child, to hold tight to the rope so he WOULD BE SAVED. This situation has been much discussed by many scholars that one of them made up the saying of : If Allah dangles to you the rope, then you should be Joseph i.e., don't ever lose such an opportunity on which one's salvation depends. Renee, I can feel light coming out of the lines of your post, it's the light of someone on the verge of repenting, but someone who's intimidated by so many things: You know them better, but from what you've said, your life doesn't seem to have been a very happy one. You say you're lonely, if you embrace Islam, you'll never be lonely again. I won't say " We'll be there for you", though I hope we all will, but like you, we're weak mortal beings. I may be there for you today, but what about tomorrow. I can't guarantee anything about myself this very minute. But what I can guarantee, is that ALLAH will be there for you. He's the Ever-Living , the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious. He'll have all your sins erased and forgiven in the blinking of an eye. I don't claim that we, Moslems, have a very easy life. No, it's just that when you're blessed with the eman and the love of Allah, all one's hardships seem to dissolve and fade into nothing. Like you said, there's nothing to lose, you've tried everything and nothing worked. Why don't you give this a try ? The rope is right there, grab it, save yourself cos nobody knows if this rope will be within your reach ever again.

Dear, if you need any help, pls PM me .


Junior Member
Welcome to TTI Renee,

Islam can be hideously twisted both by those outside of our religion, as well as by those inside of it. I think that all religions are subject to this as men attempt to control others but Islam in particular is being attacked as it is the true final revelation to man. It is wonderful, and gladdens my heart, when I hear of people who are trying to take the time and find out the truth of Islam for themselves. There is no more glorious and sublime expression of truth on our earth than what is revealed to us in the Holy Quran. May Allah bless you and guide you.