Help Editing Article about Terrorism for my Website!!!


New Member
This is the second article i will be posting and i just need to make sure it is up to par as far as professionalism and accuracy go. any help would be appreciated. if you have quotes from the quran to help, i would greatly appreciate it! Also, external links to further readings would also be very helpful!

here it is:

The media has been a catalyst to the hate and misunderstandings towards Islam, especially after the events of September 11, 2001. The actions of a few radicals have managed to tarnish the image of millions of Muslims worldwide. It is sad to think that so many people believe that the violence committed against innocent civilians in the name of Allah is in accordance to the laws of Islam, because this is very far from the truth.

It is important to first note the clear bias in today’s media coverage when it comes to Islam and terrorism. When was the last time a criminal on the news was identified by his religion? In this story, a man shoots a boy for throwing rocks - clearly an act of terror, but there is no mention of his religion (or lack thereof). The article ignores the man’s religion because it was probably not a factor in his wrongful decisions. What about this story, about a man who torched a women’s clinic because he thought they performed abortions? This is also terrorism, but his religion is not mentioned either. Of the hundreds of crimes committed, however, few stories miss the opportunity to point out if a Muslim was involved, whether due to easily identifiable Arabic names, or bias.

It is inevitable that evil will sprout from people of all races and religions, but is it fair to judge the whole of the Muslim world based on these few misguided people? After all, if Islam was a religion of terror, then why is it only a few of the 1 billion Muslims in the world committing violent acts upon the innocent? The Quran commands its followers to be tolerant and peaceful to everyone, including non-believers, so actions against these guidelines places a person outside the qualifications of a Muslim.

People sometimes argue, “But Muslims don’t stand up and speak out against the violence carried out in their name!” On the contrary, many efforts to show opposition to terrorism have been ignored. Is it strange that the media simply did not broadcast the voices of these Muslims? On this page, a small sampling of written and spoken condemnations by Muslims of just the 9/11 attacks are listed. This page posts even more Islamic statements against terrorism. How many of these statements do you recall appearing on public news, radio stations, or magazines? If Islam is a religion of terror, then why are Muslim organizations lending aid in capturing terrorists? The answer is that Islam is not a religion of terror, but of tolerance and peace. The media simply cares more about their ratings and feels that they have no obligation to defuse misconceptions, regardless of whether they were responsible for spreading them.

Sometimes, people associate terrorism with religion, even though their very governments have been responsible for terrorism. What about the 236 Afghan civilians killed by a U.S.-led coalition and NATO? Do you see the word “terrorism” anywhere in that article? The connotation imposed by the article makes the reader think that the killings were not acts of terrorism, but the fact is that no one’s life is any more important than another’s life. This manipulation of the word terrorism is the type of bias that creates ignorance and unjustified hate against Islam and other religions
founded on peace.

If more people turned off the news and read about Islam and its teachings, they would find a religion founded on peace and tolerance. This is why the common greeting amongst Muslims is "Assalamu Alaikum", which translates from Arabic to “peace be upon you”. It is a religion that promotes unity and love and discourages hatred and injustice. Insha Allah, Muslims will work hard together to banish false understandings of the religion and establish themselves as hard-working citizens with positive morals and strong integrity.


Junior Member

As a professional educator, I would say that you need to cite the sources for your information (either with internal notes or footnotes) so that someone who doesn't believe your information can go look at the sources where you got the information and judge the quality for themselves.



New Member
thanks for the suggestion, do you have an example? i'm afraid i don't know where to begin to look for sources and quotes from the quran =[


Junior Member

I don't even mean specifically from the Qu'ran - I just mean in general. For instance, you wrote:

"What about the 236 Afghan civilians killed by a U.S.-led coalition and NATO?"

Where did you get this information? You should put in ( ) behind it the source of this information, otherwise some people may think you are just making it up to upset people. If you cite it, the readers, if they choose, can go look at the original report.

I have taught research reports before, and you cannot put anything as a fact unless it is general knowledge (like, the first US president was George Washington is general knowledge) or you have cited your source of where you got the information.

Salam and good luck
