help me out, muslims not represented at website!


Junior Member
I ran into this site:

you will see Islam is rated and over run by non muslims. I think this website is kind of not heard of but the record needs to be put straight and as unpopular as this site may be, we need to correct at the least with our tongue.

As you know media, internet, all the entertainment and technology information is biased for one reason. That is a majority of muslims don't care to much about internet, in fact a large number of them need help feeding their children and providing them shelter and safety. In sha Allah they will get it.

If you feel I have wasted your time, well I am not sorry. U know Dawaa is a part of duty of the believer let alone something that will take less than 2 minutes.

It makes me sick to my stomach when I have a lot of muslim people I know and would rather watch a stupid made up story on tv for hours and not spend a few minutes with and an investment into things that can increase their good side of the scale. We should help all our brothers and sisters thru-out the world to participate in my view the internet of course not neglecting basic needs. This way they can assist in making Dawaa from the comfort of their own homes. I am not a sheik but this is what makes sense to me.:shake:



Servant of Allah
thanks. i actually registered there right now and rated islam as being a great number 5. i'll tell my friends as well inshaAllah. it wasn't a waste of time jazakAllahu khayran. oh and just so everyone knows only 207 people rated islam and christianity and judaism is about a 1000 people! so come on! bring on your game people and wake up! :) let's win! salam.


I have just rated islam there. Thanks for letting us know. I dont know how much benefit it would give to us.

This data might be used for some sort of survey.


Junior Member
I have just rated islam there. Thanks for letting us know. I dont know how much benefit it would give to us.

This data might be used for some sort of survey.

Over 5000 rated Christianity that is why they are higher up in ratings. Islam has only 993 ratings. Now common sense will tell a person will go out of his way to express his values which at this website appears to be non muslims. The fact a lot of muslims see the internet as a lot of fitna, they just don't participate but we do our best and in sha Allah this deed will assist that day when the books come flying. U never know, it's like the little piece of crumb or dirt in the masjid, you pick it up and dispose of it, u never know the weight.

I did make sure I hit up satanism though for 1. I wish there was a 0.


Junior Member
I believe it is just a gimmick to get people register so that they can use email address for spaming purpose. They are just exploiting religion to make some money.

Also the more hits this website gets the more money it will make through advertisement. Plz dont fall for that.


Junior Member
I believe it is just a gimmick to get people register so that they can use email address for spaming purpose. They are just exploiting religion to make some money.

Also the more hits this website gets the more money it will make through advertisement. Plz dont fall for that.

Ah I am very cautious my brother:

goto gmail,yahoo,msn,etc... setup an email account for these purposes. After all anyone on the net finds some time where there is nothing going on that is important.

aside of this subject, my daughter in 3rd grade, hardly watches tv. She only hears about this Hanna Montana from school children that are mostly muslim. Today she told me she heard that this movie star, Hanna Montana said she hates muslims publicly. Do you see how our children are getting infected by a bunch of nobodies. Thank God my children have a strong foundation, my daughter replied Hanna just doesn't know otherwise she would be a muslim.:muslim_child:

what do you think yahawdi do? they only a few that seem to get a lot of impact.
I feel that your daughter will have to see the Biography of Ramlah binti Milhan, Aisyah binti Abu Bakar, Fathimah binti Muhammad, Barakah an Abyssinia Muslimah, Ummu Salamah, Ummu Habibah binti Abi Sufyan. You could cut and paste it into your M.word, see it at sisters club.

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Amina 1

Junior Member
I rated Islam a 5 and gave some religions a 1 for terrible . I have a email account that I use for such things. I never use my main email account. :hijabi:


Junior Member
I am not sure why, I don't know to much about site. There is a security code u need to enter and sometimes I noticed when you enter a message it doesn't update the page right away.

you will not get an email when u sign up right away but you will be logged in immediately. All else fails try setting up an email on yahoo or gmail is better, it is really quick; with any name and email to your regular mail the new address to keep track of new email address.

sorry but I don't have much time. hope that helps.:wasalam: