Help with 'Al-Nas'?


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum,

Brother Nazir, it appears as if I didn’t respond your post but I didn’t intend this, I think that you must have sent it as I was thinking what to type in my last post.

The example of this is when you find either 'th' or 'dh' in some transliterations, is hard to correspond to the actual sound which is supposed to be made.

Yes, I see what you mean.

Also, remember that the one who recites the Qur'an, and struggles in it, he recieves double the reward, so continue to try your best insha'Allah.

So I hear, and this is a comfort.

The salah is to be done completely in arabic, so there is no need to follow up your recitation in English, although your intentions are well. When you recite a verse, maybe pause slightly to reflect in your mind the meaning insha'Allah. Also as had been recommended before, a good starting point to memorise another surah apart from Al Fatiha would be Surah 112, which has been narrated to be a third of the Qur'an, in that it summarises succinctly Tawheed, that which this deen is based upon.

I’m doing this now, just reflecting upon the meaning in English in my mind as I say things. I’m going to start using 112. Is there any restriction upon using more than one surah after Al-Fathiha during prayer? I’m just very fond of An-Nas right now, and I wondered if I could use Al-Fatiha, another surah such as 112, and then ‘seal’ it with An-Nas. I though it would be appropriate to use ‘The Dawn’, for Fajr as well, which I suspect that many do at this prayer this time.

Hi there brother Ditta,

Then i stumbled upon "Graded Steps in Qur'an Reading" in a bookstore. I couldn't believe it, i had found something in which i could learn to read the Qur'an. The book came with a CD but the bookstore didn't have the CD - that really was a blow. I went to the publishers website and Alhamdulilah they had a pack in "Graded Steps in Qur'an Reading" which i purchased.

Well this is very annoying. I know the feeling. I bought a book on salaat, which was supposed to have an audio tape with it according to the book, but this was not revealed on the site that I bought it from in it's advertisement, so this was dishonest merchandising, none the less, I managed anyway with the help of the internet. None the less, the purveyors did send me a DVD on salaat by way of compensation when I raised the issue, but still, they shouldn’t be still selling the book without explaining that they do not have the tapes in the hope that their less assertive customers will just not say anything.

I looked at the link and I really do like the sound of this set. I that I might well order it. Thanks for the link and the information.

Then it continued from there and now Alhamdulilah i can read the Qur'an in Arabic.

You know I never imagined that I would have the ambition to come to want to understand how to read the Quran in it’s revealed form so soon, but I would really like to, as afterall, a translation of the Quran isn’t really the Quran, it’s only the meaning of the Quran - I want to be able to read it as the poetry in which it was intended to be related to mankind. Before I took my shahada I had signed up for an online French course, but I was only seeking to learn this for fun really, and I just haven’t had time to do it, because there is so much I want to find out about Islam, and there are just not enough waking hours to be looking into anything else. A couple of months ago I had no idea that I would be seeking to learn Arabic, but I’m up for the challenge and look forward to what I could have learned in maybe a year from now.

How long did it take you before you felt that you could read the Quran in Arabic?

If you like i have a spare copy of the Teacher's Edition (best one to use) of the pack which i will post to you and send you the recorded Unit's online. In order to save you some money although if you want to purchase it yourself:

That is very good of you, but I wonder, what is the Teacher’s Addition, and how does this differ to other additions? I’m just wondering, if I order this, am I going to be biting off more than I can chew? Would this not be a bit advanced for me?

Like the Haa is pronounced from the back of the throat and sounds like the h in hat. It must always be breathed, even if it comes at the end of an utterance as in the word Allah. [You should know this description i took from the book mentioned earlier.]

Okay, I understand that, and I’m noticing it.

Just so you know, learning it is not difficult at all - Alhamdulilah i managed to do it, so it should be no problem for you brother as long you are self motivated and have the determination to succeed. Alhamdulilah i can see this in your posts.

Well, I would imagine that I’d be okay, as with words and linguistic things, I usually take to these things quite well, it’s just mathematics which gets me totally baffled and ties my mind in knots, I have no head for numbers at all, I’m too dreamy and imaginative for that kind of logic. :eek:

I am sorry if this has messed things up for you

How? No, not at all, in fact you have me very intrigued about this pack and I really want to learn how to understand Arabic now, which I didn’t think I would be seeking to get into so soon, but I suppose there is nothing to be waiting for really.

I was reading the end of your post and feel a bit stupid now

Haha. Not at all, your post has been very useful.

Salam Ayman,

You do not have to repeat your recitation in English. God appreciates the effort you're making as you try to pronounce Arabic words.

I know, I’m not doing this now.

Hope this helps and best wishes for you toward a perfect recitation!

I understand your examples and they make things very clear, thank you for showing me that, I appreciate it.

dear Brother,,, there a website at PALTALK


You know it’s a strange coincidence that you mention this. It was only a matter of hours ago that I was looking at the Paltalk site, and I was never aware of this device before. I was going through the introduction section, and considered downloading it, although I didn’t. It’s seems Allah might have used you as an instrument by which to suggest that I reconsider, so I’ll go back and have another look.

I am a born muslimah who was not serious about my deen , trying to learn to recite the quran on my own by listening to audio tapes. When the door of repentance was opened a second time, i took it and trying to relearn everything about my deen. I decided to go for a live one on one quran recitation lesson.. Lo and behold! was i in for a shock. I was so sad and depressed to find out that i have been mispronouncing certain alphabets and 'ayat' . Its harder for me to try to correct the errors/mistakes that i have committed for more than half a century of self study

I see what you mean, I need to learn properly early on to avoid such mistakes. Having said that however, I wouldn’t worry about the time you spent making inexact pronunciations, as what matters, is the sincerity of your intention. So you never did any wrong.

I understand now that we were all born Muslim, we were all once, an can still be, in a state of fitrah, and all of us here are striving towards a mindfulness of reclaiming that state, but it is a mission that must be renewed with each passing moment, every baby born and every innocent animal is a Muslim, it’s just that we were not all born to Islamic based or inspired cultures and environments.

As you are just starting to learn,, so learn it the right way,, with proper guidance from a qualified 'live' teacher who could help you correct your pronunciations

I’ll look into it, thank you for the information.

A thousand apologies i beg of you kind sir,, if anything i've written offended you for it was not my intentions

Surely not. You have been very helpful. Thanks also for the link.

Salam Palestine,

since we are discussing many things, there's a site where u can learn arabic: even quran classes just $39 a month. check it out sometime. it will help. and it's only on sundays and it's live. yes live, you can even see the teacher. salam.

Thank you, I will investigate.

i have a very nice flash (macromedia flash player) about islam,especially SALAT from wudu'e till the end of the prayer,but i dont know how to send it. but you can check this website:

Thank you for the links Greenway, however, the sites are entirely in Arabic, which I cannot yet read. :p