

Junior Member
I am talking to a Shia , she was chritian and then turned sunni but after awhile she became Shia.

This is her last message :

Of course no new prophet or new faith will be born..The Prophet actually said this sentence: "I leave behind me two things the QUR'AN and my AHLUL BAYT,and if you follow these two you will never go astray." < this makes a lot more sense then saying Qur'an and my Sunnah..cuz the Sunnah is already and automatically connected to the Qur'an not a separate thing..The sunnah is of the Qur'an..It's the Ahlul Bayt that will hold on to the Qur'an till the Day of Judgment and both of them will meet the Prophet at the pond of Kawthar..the sunnah will meet the Prophet again? LOL. Many things that Shia's do has everything to do with the Real Sunnah..Many things that sunni's do has nothing to do with the sunnah. The True Shia's do not hurt are allowed to cry and beat ur chest nothing more extreme then that. Those few that do the blades and make themselves bleed are wrong and needs knowledge they follow less knowledgable scholars. Majority of the Shia community condemn those acts.It's not pilgrimmage to Karbala,etc. its called ziyarat..its no difference than the Muslims around the world make pilgrimage to Jeruesalem to Al Aqsa and Al Quds. LOL visiting graves and making supplications for them is not shirk..Sunni's do it do in fact they encourage pray for the dead so they dont have such a harsh punishment,etc.How do you know we dont have respect for the Ahlul Bayt,etc.? Shia Muslims dont HATE Umar or Aisha..they dislike what they DID. How is umar one of the best companions? what did he do what was so "good" ? He didnt even kill 1 person in battle and he was one of the ppl who ran away from the battles thats when the verse where it says "..will u then turn back upon your heels?" I wish you could make more research about this topic and May Allah Guide you-amin."

She explained many things maybe as Shias do.
I need few Ahadiths that I could rely on. like the one who say it is only permissible to visit three mosques Al masjid Al haram, Al masjid annabaoui and Al masjid alkssa.

I also wish to have the meaning of the Aya she relied on about Umar.



Junior Member

Her opinion on umar ra is totally wrong.....he was the most aggresive and warrior sahaba after khalid bin waleed ra......he was known fr his agreesive and warrior attitutude before islam its in his time of khilafah islam spread fastest and touch every corner of the world he has fought in so many battles and he was true servant of Islam and no other hadith can explain his status and what kind of men he was that prophet saw frm his own toungue said if there was prophet after me it would be umar ra ......Ali ra fr whom shia fight he himeslf used to say if anyone call me better than umar ra and abu bakr siddiq ra fr even joke i will give him 80 lashes so please tell her to read hadeeth and understand it in way sahabas understood den she will be back to the right path.......Umar Ra was the most harshest and agrresive sahabas how can she say he used to ran awy frm battle he was lover of death like khalid bin waleed ra