Hijab with tight clothing


Junior Member

I could never understand sisters in hijab+tight clothing. whom are they kidding? it

kind of defeats the purpose of hijab and whole modesty concept.


Junior Member
very beautiful

Thanks to share this beautiful poem ,
everythink is true inside , i like it because that real life!



New Member
Assalamu alaikum wr wb, Alhemdulillah thank you so much for this post!!! I see this test in many of youth today and it is even more real when you know some who do that. so many have gotten the wrong idea of what modesty is even if they do cover their body from head to toe. modesty of the muslim women living in the west is a real struggle for many because of the constant mold that they are being shown as beautiful which is a lie. It is nothing but the degradation of women and loss of self respect if they think that they haveto show thier shapes and figures to conform to the westerns view of beauty.:astag:
Woops, I think I have gotten carried away but Alhemdulillah thank you again for this post!! it is very much appreciated.

Wa alaikum salaam wr wb


Junior Member
Walaykum Salaams

BarakAllah feek for the kind words, and may Allah swt mak eit easy on our sisters to wear the hijab in its entirety and for the brothers to follow the deen as well inshAllah.
assalamualikum well said!!! let us all make it a part of our Dua that Allah guides such people who are mislead and that they shud follow Islam completely and not partially!!!


Thank You for posting.
This is a serious issue that some of the sisters are neglecting. Allah knows best if they are not aware that it's wrong or they just haven't been able to adapt to the change in style yet.
Either way, may Allah give all the sisters knowledge and courage! Ameen.

When I see a Hijabi Sister, my heart is automatically fills with satisfaction and warmth. I automatically think "Masha Allah, what a brave sister, may Allah giver her good". Also as many of you already heard this, Hijabi sisters tend to have a special glow to them, and thus they are much more beautiful than non-Hijabi sisters.( NO i'm not checking them out ! :lol:)

The problem with sisters wearing Hijab but also tight jeans and tanktop the brother mentioned, it's umm the whole purpose of hijab is ruined. We can still see the outline of your body! Yes I'm aware the brothers are supposed to lower their glance, however I think it's in men's innate nature to and admire the beauty of women. (doesn't necessarily have to be in a bad way). I see this a lot at the Masjid.

If you have enough courage to put on a Hijab (which is the real difficulty) then why not go the extra step put a shirt or skirt over jeans that goes down to the knees?

I hope I wasn't being too judgmental.



Junior Member

I thought it was an awesome poem! Just what we need to remind ourselves. From where I come from, wearing Hijab is merely for fashion statement. Some even do Haraam things in their Hijab! Astarghfirullah! What has the world come to...


make dua 4 ma finals


New Member
i want mishary rashid reciting quran i visited a few days ago (60 days may be)and i downloaded just 2 or 3 surahs now i visit this site but cant downloaded plz help me i want all of them what happen to them help