

New Member
Assalaamu ilikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu
I have had this question for a while now...i was hoping my siblings in Islam could help me with proof.

Can we make Hijrah alone (without family without a jammah) and without parental permission?


Smile for Allah
I don't know the rules of Hijrah, but one thing I know is you're not to do anything to which your parents are against.


to Allah we belong

brother, if you'll read stories of sahaba (ra), i think u'll find few examples where they made hijrah without family and without parents permission.

it depends on ur circumstances which you know better than us. there are many questions like is your society really bad to practice Islam? the place you want to go is really good? are ur parents anti-islamic? can they support themselves in your absence?

keep making dua for better life and contact ur local imam brother if possible.