Historical Emergence of Islam in Indonesia

Indonesian Archipelago As part of the Metropolis of the Indian Ocean

Story of entry of Islam in Indonesia should be an attraction for all the Muslims to deepen his knowledge of proselytism. as Indonesia and Malaysia are the only Islam as well as the Arabian Peninsula region whose inhabitants are willing to embrace Islam by peaceful means.
Waters of the Indian Ocean experienced the golden age during the period since the collapse of the Roman Empire and Persian Empire in the 8th century until the beginning of Ocean Exploration in the 15th century. It has been estimated previously by the Caliph Daulah Islamiyyah that time, Commander of the Faithful Ali Bin Abu Talib, once the Roman Empire and Persia collapsed and later Daulah Islamiyyah become a new force in the world. He soon moved the capital from Medina to Daulah Islamiyyah Kufa (Baghdad). Kufa or her position with the city of Baghdad near the Port of Basra in the Persian Gulf. The move is a very brilliant strategic adaptation to exploit the potential of the Indian Ocean as much as possible, with Daulah Islamiyyah as the main driving force.
When described as a large wholesale market, the areas that have a coastline with the Indian Ocean or regions of stakeholders can be likened to the Indian Ocean as a stall-stall owner in those markets. The areas of the Indian Ocean stakeholders can freely sell other peoples products, and get the advantage there. A nation in the Indian Ocean coastline to dibaratkan have a house located at strategic roadside. So the house can be used for business, for example to open private schools, institutions courses or just make a grocery store.
At that time the areas are now becoming the regions in East Africa, Madagascar, Red Sea, Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Persian Gulf, India, Gujarat, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Indochina and Southeast Asia Territories are the centers of civilization, the interaction between civilizations and between thoughts, the source of information and communication and trade across the world ocean. The nations mentioned above have the frequency of interaction between them are much more plentiful than other areas by making use of sea transport.
Chinese who do not have access to the Indian Ocean and then forming the silk route to Europe and Eurasia which is also the same area do not have access to the ocean. A China that is Admiral Cheng Ho who managed to penetrate the Indian Ocean waters are highly valued as a success in China. Admiral Cheng Ho had sailed the Indian Ocean and dropped in the areas of the ocean's lap.
As for most Europeans, the world metropolis hustle bustle of traffic on the Indian Ocean sea only heard by them. The lack of ikutsertaan them for hundreds of years in world trade and social interaction in the ocean it becomes a major obsession for them to conquer the Indian Ocean trade traffic in the future.
Once the advance areas of the Indian Ocean lap so that traffic and transportation between the centers of trade in those areas very quickly. Therefore, once the possibility of large flows of social interaction and transfer of information and the transmigration of human inter lap areas of the Indian Ocean.

Archipelago during the second century Hijra or around the year 800 AD is already a center of culture and human civilization forward. When Islam entered the archipelago, the population is a rich community, advanced and educated. Non-residents are ignorant, backward and poverty or famine. So that they could not be persuaded to move his faith with the material, and property. In the Society archipelago that developed the condition is taken as the Islamic religion by their new faith to replace the old beliefs. In addition, Islam entered the archipelago by peaceful means and without war.
Therefore Islam entered the archipelago through a definite character and approach discussions argumentasional. In general the formal history lessons in schools know that the legacy of the first Islamic History is known is Royal Ocean Pasai in Aceh. Though not a few facts of archeology, the source of narration from the outside or from within the country which states that long before Ocean Pasai existing stand of Islamic kingdom in the archipelago.

C. Various theories influx of Islam in the archipelago
While this general assumption about the period of the entry of Islam into the archipelago is about the 15th century. Most likely associated with the establishment of the Kingdom of Pasai Ocean in the 14th century, precisely in the year 1367. However, based on the narrations about Perlak Islamic kingdom in the archipelago, the theory of the entry of Islam into Indonesia has become increasingly diverse. The origin and year of entry of Islam in the archipelago should be reviewed again. There is a theory which states that Islam entered the archipelago through Gujarat. There is also a theory which states that Islam entered Indonesia through Persia. And some are stating that Islam entered the archipelago from the Arabic. Some say Islam entered the archipelago in the 15th century. But not a little history and archaeological relics which concluded that Islam entered the archipelago in the days long before the 15th century, at around the 8th century BC until the 9th.
It may well be that the narrations as well as archaeological artifacts that indicate the entry of Islam is even earlier than that so far we know that the public has a point. Because the main stream of social interaction between the centers of world civilization was located around the Indian Ocean. Antiquity before the American continent are found, the waters across the Pacific Ocean and unspoiled Atlantic. Then cross the path of world trade is sea waters of the Indian Ocean. Sea in the waters of the Indian Ocean has been since ancient times is the most important waters, crowded and the goal of all world civilizations. And lap areas of the Indian Ocean is an area of ​​interaction between civilizations and trade are very busy. The next major discussion is where the entry of Islam among the three theories namely Gujarati, Arabic and Persian to convert the archipelago for the first time.
D. Causes Capital Movement Islamic Caliphate Islamic Civilization Has a Strong Involvement in Metropolis Indian Ocean
Persian influence in the Muslim world began to strengthen since the end of the 7th century. Because thanks to the relocation of the capital of the Caliphate from Medina to Baghdad by Sayyidina Ali, the Islamic civilization has automatically become more familiarity with the area crowded center of the world overland. Centers in the world of land routes were identical with the expansion of Islam. Crowded world of Islamic Development of land routes to follow. At the transition the capital of the Persian Empire that had collapsed and the region became Islamic Area. This caused the crowd shifted to the Eastern Islamic World. Approach toward the territory of the former Persian Empire. Therefore the movement of Islamic capital from Medina to Kufa is to maintain the position of the Islamic Government in order to remain at the center of Islam. Because at that time the Islamic civilization is also expanding its influence into the Northern Territory, precisely the areas Eurasia. The impact of all is the establishment of overland silk route. If we observe overland silk route then seen that the track is located in the vicinity of the track-forming outer Ringroad which used to be the former boundaries of the Persian Empire Region.
In addition, movement of capital, the Islamic Caliphate was a strategic impact on the spread of Islam through the crowded sea of ​​the world, namely the Indian Ocean. Although the City of Medina also close location to the ocean. But the sea is not the Indian Ocean but the Red Sea. Red Sea is connected with the Indian Ocean. However, in the West far, far to the center of the hustle of the world land routes (silk road surface). By transferring the capital from Medina to Kufa, the Commander of the Faithful Ali bin Abi Talib the crowded center of the world unite land routes (silk road surface) and the crowded center of the world sea (marine silk route). In addition to moving the center of the Caliphate has access to the Persian Gulf. Persian Gulf is an important port since time immemorial on the Pre-Islam, the golden times of the Persian Empire. Residents of Southeast Asia and especially the archipelago has been associated with the Persian Empire in the past. Therefore, the Islamic Caliphate movement of capital is more important for Population Spread of Islam in the archipelago. Information about important events that occurred in Northern hemisphere of the earth will reach the crowded center of the world land routes (silk road surface) would eventually reached the archipelago region by sea.
Because of the archipelago is also an area that has a coastline with the Indian Ocean and included participants from regional centers of the world, it is a very common thing at all if there is movement of people between regions archipelago with a fellow resident of the other stakeholders of the Indian Ocean. For example, the displacement between the Muslims in the center of Islamic civilization into Population of Archipelago and vice versa. At that time the archipelago far away from the general assumption that ordinary people now judged as backward regions. Very common and very normal thing that happens once a movement of people across the Indian Ocean regional stakeholders such as the Islamic Arab, East African, Islamic Persia, Indian subcontinent, South Asia, etc.. With the transfer of the Capital of Islamic Caliphate from Medina to Kufa, then the union of marine silk route and the overland silk route occurs. Impact is information about the development of Islamic civilization to easily get to the archipelago. Archipelago is a region that most benefited by the relocation of the capital of the caliphate from Medina
E. The close relationship between the archipelago with the Persians who in The Second Regional Population Day Will Be Equally adherents of Islam.
There are sources who say that history is Perlak Lamuri Islamic Region is the first time in the South East Asia. Namely in the year 840 AD. Only difference a few decades later than the spread of Islam in the Far West as in Andalusia, for example. However, unlike Perlak, former Islamic Society in Andalusia is now gone. Now the people who live in an area formerly known as Andalusia is not Islamic people. So we can say that the socio-cultural, Perlak more successful than Andalusia. Success has become Muslim population Perlak defend why this should be investigated.
Andalusian Muslims devastated by the lack of power to maintain expansion of the outer self. But Perlak also never get the expansion from the outside. Nevertheless successor society that used to live in the area Perlak still Muslims until the present. History Perlak will be parsed in more detail later in subsequent discussion. But consider the analysis of social factors and political environment surrounding and internal Perlak causing its inhabitants to survive become Muslim from outside pressure.
One possible answer is that Perlak have a periodicity of a pre-Islamic culture that have a compatibility with Islamic civilization. A pre-Islamic culture of the prophet Muhammad that berkesuaian high with his Islamic prophet Muhammad. One possibility is that the population of the archipelago again indeed have affinity with the religious nature of Islam. Both answers will be elaborated his argument in subsequent descriptions.
Factors that must be known to be analyzed is the state of socio-cultural structure of society archipelago when Islam began to enter affecting residents. To analyze it, we'll find an area with a population estimated to have a socio-cultural conditions that are similar to the social culture of the archipelago population in earlier times when Islam started to enter. It may be found the patterns of Islam in places like that and can be used to complement or supplement the theories about the history of Islam in the archipelago that while to date we have had.
In general, our past history shows that people in this archipelago before becoming Muslim, comes from people who profess Hinduism and Buddhism. Then after that they turn into followers of Islam through the Middle East traders. If the lane and because trade is used as a theoretical answer to the entry of Islam into the archipelago, it should also apply in India. Because in both places, namely India and the archipelago was originally Hindus alike. India will be used as a comparison because we think society has a social and cultural factors that termirip with the people of the archipelago. Second place, namely India and the archipelago is also equally a lap of the Indian Ocean region. But whether India is only just civilization which affect the archipelago? Tiadakah other cultures that have a strong influence in the archipelago, the Middle East or Persian culture, for example, considering the past relationship the two areas is very good transportation. To answer that question needed to see similarities between the archipelago with India danNusantara with Persia. According to some historical sources, people living on the northern tip of Sumatra (Aceh) is a descendant of the ruling dynasty of Persia. Syahir Nuwi is a descendant of the Persian Sassanid dynasty emperor. Syahir Nuwi have a daughter who would marry a Muslim who still Sayyid descent Prophet, and lineage was they who established the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago.
A. Regional Spread of Islam The first time in the archipelago
Aceh is a region that is widely known by our history as the Nusantara region whose inhabitants embrace Islam first. Therefore repertoire of Aceh's history we will study more in depth. Source of news about Aceh related to the development of Islam was also a lot of talk about the existence of an Islamic kingdom older than Pasai Ocean. The kingdom is the kingdom Perlak.

B. Sign in Islam Population in Sumatra
Islam has a strong base in Sumatra. Islamic civilization into the island of Sumatra in stages. The percentage of adherents of Islam in Sumatra greater than the percentage of other islanders. But there is an area that is not Islam that is the base areas in North Tapanuli, Toba, Karo and Samosir. These areas since the former are not adherents of Islam. Though North Tapanuli flanked by two famous Islamic religious regions is strong, namely Aceh in the north and south and Minang Tapanuli in the south. What's why North Tapanuli and the surrounding area free from the influence of Islam?
Apparently all the areas in Aceh and Sumatra except North Tapanuli experience pengislaman derived from proselytizing the people from the island of Java. Aceh do not have pengislaman from Java because the area has to Islam, even Islam before Java. Meanwhile, North Tapanuli is not the domain of Islam from the past until now. However, areas other than these two areas have become Muslim from Java. As the empire of Palembang, the founder of the empire Pagaruyung in West Sumatra are descendants of Javanese people. Adityawarman still relatives of the king of Majapahit. the islamic dawa to Sumatran people by the Javanese people occur in stages starting from the southern tip of the island until the South Tapanuli. Before pengislaman reached the territory of North Tapanuli, North Tapanuli already occurred by the colonial conquest of the Netherlands so that the area has not had time to get the effect of Muslims have first to get the influence of Christianity. However, prior to the Christianization of the North Tapanuli society, local communities are also not detected embraced the Hindu faith.
From the description above, it is probable that the cause is not developed message of Islam through Perlak / Aceh so that most came from Java, Sumatra pengislaman caused by the outbreak of civil war in Perlak, and inland Perlak bermazhab dominated by Sunni Muslims. Breakdown of da'wah Islamiyyah of Aceh that led to the areas south coast of Aceh to make progress Perlak was also suspended. This makes the people of coastal Perlak (Shiite) take the path to the Java sea and convert the people in Java. Therefore the people who first became Muslim archipelago after the Acehnese community in Java is not in other regions. This unique phenomenon as depicted on the map below:

Unique track the spread of Islam in the archipelago is caused by the breakdown of da'wah Perlak a Sunni Muslim hinterland. At that time the ruler of Sumatra island, zoroasterianism, budhist population (Sriwijaya). School of Sunni Islam is as Islam Shia sect. School of Sunni Islam is less controlled study of the esoteric school of Shiite Islam as Islam. Sunni sect of Islam therefore less able to face debate with the original Persian quasy-monotheistic religions that descended from the people of the lower layers of a semi-monotheistic Zoroastrian, or Buddhist also have a little more philosophical studies. While the Shiite sect of Islam has the esoteric side of Islamic studies such as logic, Peripatetic, wisdom, philosophy of Being, etc.. This is why they are able to deal with the original Persian semi-monotheistic religion that were previously only embraced the semi-monotheistic Zoroastrian, Hindu or Buddhist. Shiite sect of Islam that clearly proves successful first convert the population of the archipelago is not Islamic in Perlak area and formed the first Islamic community in the archipelago.

C. First Perlak Kingdom The Shiite Kingdom
The name comes from the word peureula Perlak, referring to the eastern parts of Aceh. Regarding the Persian or Arab communities who lived first in the archipelago of which was reported by I-Tsing. I-Tsing says that he boarded the ship the Persians to the archipelago in the year 672 AD. In that year the Persian sailors have embraced Islam.
While G.B. Groneveldt that translates population demographics according to Chinese news archipelago during the T'ang dynasty, the T'ang dynasty saga told that on the west coast of Sumatra (Aceh or Ocean) has been settled Arabs called the Ta-Shi.
According to Ustaz M. Jamil Djamil an expert on the history of Aceh, in Aceh's culture week which never took place in 1959. He said that Islam had entered into Peureula in the year 790 AD. The source he got from the book of Chronicles Zubdatu'l Nurul work-Haq Al-Masyriqiyal-Duhlawy, and the book Idhahu'l Fi Mamlatatu'l Peureula work Abul-Ishaq al-Makarany. Then the establishment of an empire that came from the Muslim community Peureula is in AD 840. Perlak or Peureula is the name that refers to the northeastern region of Aceh.
A clue about the existence of a kingdom in Banda Aceh and surrounding areas now have been obtained from an inscription that was created by Rajendra Cola I in Tanjore (South India) in 1030 AD. Where Rajendra Cola is preparing to deploy a massive army to conquer the territories of the archipelago. One of the places that the inscription is Ilmauridecam (Lamuri) is said to have rammed the power of his army against the forces Invader India Rajendra Cola so it must mobilize all its forces for the defeated. If this news we are confronted with a book excerpt: "Early Muslim Traders in South East Asia" by GR Tibbets that tell the history of Buzurgh about Lamuri older than the inscription Rajendra Cola I, that is the year 955 AD. So can we conclude that the kingdom and the kingdom Lamuri Perlak closely related to Persian.
Buzurgh, a Muslim Persian told that of Barus on the west coast of Aceh have Barus road that connects with Lamuri. He tells us that the Persians who anchored his ship or run aground in Barus will always try to Lamuri. Because there can be expected to meet with fellow countrymen (Persian) and in order to obtain transportation to return to the village.
Perlak is the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago. Syed Sultan Alaidin (Sayyid), Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah was the first king. Before standing the Islamic empire, the area Perlak led by people who are descendants of Meurah Perlak Syahir Nuwi or Maharaja Pho Uh La. Then in the year 840, Islam came from the Persian caravan entourage. Their goal preach Islam in Perlak. With immediate and community leaders left the country Perlak their old religion (monotheism people undercoat Elam) to move to the Islamic religion. then one member of the caravan from the middle east is still a descendant of the Prophet named: Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ja `far Sadiq Makhdum Tansyuri marry, the younger brother of Syahir Nuwi, king of Persia Perlak which is a descendant. Syahir Nuwi still the first Sassanid royal lineage in the era before the birth of Islam is the dynasty that once ruled the Persian Empire. From marriage between Ali Bin Mohammed and the younger brother of Syahir Nuwi, namely Makhdum this Tansyuri born later: Alaidin Syed (Sayyid), Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah, Sultan of the Kingdom Perlak first. Sultan change capital of the Kingdom, which was originally named Bandar Bandar Perlak became Caliph, as a reward for skipper Caliph. Sultan and his wife, Princess Meurah Mahdum Khudawi, buried at Paya Meuligo, Perlak, East Aceh.
Alaidin Sultan Maulana Syed Abdul Aziz Shah is a Shia sultan. The flow of Shiites came to Indonesia through the Syed (read: Sayyid, a descendant of people who still Prophet) of Persia. They entered the archipelago and to convert the Sultanate Perlak who are still descendants of Persian.
Until the reign of Sultan second, the flow of Sunni Islam has not yet entered the archipelago. Only in the third Sultan: Sultan Syed Alaiddin (Sayyid) Maulana Abbas Shah, Sunnis began to flow into the archipelago. After the death of the sultan in the year 363 H (913 AD), the rebellious Sunni Islam to Shia Perlak Sultanate. Civil war between the Shiites and Sunnis over the past two years. The Shiites won the war and in the year 302 H (913 AD), Sultan Syed Alaiddin (Sayyid) Mughat Maulana Ali Shah from the throne Shia flow. At the end of his reign happen again turbulence between the Shiites and the Sunnis who this time won by the Sunnis.
During the seventh Sultan of the Kingdom of Perlak still a royal school of Shiite Islam. Then after the death of Sultan seventh in the year 362 AH (956 AD), his successor: Sultan Abdul Malik Shah Makhdum Alaiddin Johan was a Sultan who mazhab Sunnis. Since then Perlak into the kingdom, led by the sultans who mazhab Sunnis. This raises the battle for about four years between Shia and Sunni. This war ended with peace agreements and the division of the kingdom into two parts, the kingdom Perlak Perlak Coastal and Inland empire. Coastal Perlak Kingdom is a kingdom mazhab Shi'i Islam, and led by Syed Sultan Alaiddin (Sayyid), Maulana Shah (986-988). While Perlak Inland empire is mazhab Sunni Muslim kingdom, and led by Ibrahim Sultan Malik Shah Makhdum Alaiddin Johan (986-1023).
Later in the year 988, the kingdom of Srivijaya attack Perlak. This battle is to unify the coastal and inland Perlak united. In the battle against the Srivijaya Perlak deployed troops to fight the Srivijaya mostly from Perlak Coast. Even the king himself the Sultan Sayyid Maulana Shah Alaidin plunge straight into the battle. As a result of the battle of Sultan Sayyid Maulana Shah Alaidin fall in battle. At the same time also pupuslah Perlak Coastal kingdom, Sultan-sultan that controls the region of Aceh in the period thereafter mazhab Sunni Islam. But the royal sacrifice in the war against Coastal Perlak Sriwijaya not in vain. Since then the kingdom of Srivijaya become weak and do not have the strength anymore to attack Perlak. Although the kingdom Perlak remaining an Islamic empire that mazhab sunni but for the people of Coastal Perlak it is not a problem. The most important thing for people is the establishment of the Coastal Perlak creed on earth Perlak sentence without seeing the difference the school.
From the description above shows that the empire Perlak located in Aceh came from the Persians who have not embraced Islam. Namely Meurah Perlak Syahir Makhdum Tansyuri Nuwi and sister. Makhdum Tansyuri then married to Ali Bin Muhammad Jafar Sadeq. Means Ali is the father of the sultan's first Perlak. From his father was the first Perlak Sultan Ali has shown that he was adherent of the school of Ahlul Bayt and are also most likely was a descendant of the prophet. Because the use of that name in those years in the Middle East could bring the threat that comes from the ruler. Sunni adherents in the Middle East at that time was a follower of Bani Abbas and will not use the name. Sunni followers just started using the names of the nuances ahlulbayt/shiite after the collapse of the empire of Bani Abbas in 1258. In addition to a large Shiite mazhab possibility this was a descendant of the prophet Ali. Because other than he who uses the name smells of Shiite, his father had also had a name that smells Shiite, his father's name is Muhammad Jafar Sadeq. Ali's family to use the names of Shi'ite terus-menerus/turun-temurun nuanced. Shows the courage that maintained constant. At that time other than Sunni, Shiite followers of mediocrity did not dare to use those names.
Shia Coastal Perlak People Traveler to Java.
Then there are the questions: "Is a result of the attack to the kingdom of Srivijaya Perlak causing the destruction of the Coastal Perlak necessarily lead to the extinction of Shiite people in the archipelago? We think the answer is: No. In the previous thesis concluded that Islam first entered into the new Aceh and Java, from Java, then Islam spread throughout the archipelago. Aceh and Java are two nodes that are connected directly. Little Fatima Bint Maimun many tombs show the knot. The tomb was nuanced Persia, together with the circumstances Perlak empire led by the descendants of the Persians. The name Fatima is also the name of a very nuanced early Perlak Shia sect at the time. At that time the name is a name that is meaningful that the user name is a Muslim who converted to Shia sect of Islam. People who besides bermazhab Shia do not dare use that name. So there is a possibility once the flow of migration from Perlak to Java. Therefore very likely that people who migrate to the Java Perlak are Perlak coast, coastal Perlak Shia.
As has been parsed over the geopolitical Perlak which dominated interior Perlak school of Sunni Islam. While the Sunni sect preaches to the south region inhabited by people experiencing congestion south of the island of Sumatra. Sunni da'wa breakdown southerly island of Sumatra in automated lead the development of inland traffic jams and consequently Shia Coastal Perlak da'wah, Shia Coastal Perlak expansion to the south coast also become jammed. Therefore likely that people who go to Java Perlak are the ones that the Shia coastal Perlak then decided to take the sea road towards a new area. Because of this then there is a strong possibility people to first convert the Java population are people who bermazhab Shia Islam. The descriptions in the history of Islam arrived in Java in the discussion of the history of Demak and Mataram below is a bit much trying to uncover the circumstances of society in Java which is very likely Shiite community.
A. Majapahit, Demak and Mataram
In the previous discussion more or less have been described that the fugitive Perlak Coast after the war with the Sriwijaya and then migrated to the island of Java. The dynamics of their lives after arriving on the island of Java is very important to be degraded through the analysis according to cultural anthropology as it is a fragment of history that make up civilization and attitude in general Java community. To begin the discussion of the history of Javanese people's lives in a transitional period of Majapahit, Demak according to the viewpoint of cultural anthropology will begin with the facts that already exist in the history of popular general. Then the analysis will start from the Java community at Demak and Majapahit era. By analyzing the cultural anthropology standpoint of society is expected to bring a new interpretation of alternative readings of historical fact that there archipelago in Java, especially with regard to the dynamics of the history of Majapahit and Demak, and displacement the society of Hindu faith to Islam.
Demak is the first Islamic kingdom in the archipelago-Java. This is indeed true. But there is also found when the maze of history will reveal the fact the early history of the founding of this kingdom. There are three main sources of news about the Demak, the news of the Babad Tanah Jawi, Chinese news, news people covering the west of Suma Orientalnya Tomy Pires and Portuguese news. Among the various sources of news that China and chronicle jawi land has many similarities. Clearly two news sources namely China and Chronicle news jawi soil revealed that the founder of Majapahit ruler of Demak and kinship there, but both news sources also revealed the existence of war between Demak and Majapahit. The war began with an attack Demak kingdom of Majapahit. Both news sources also revealed the defeat of Majapahit in the war.
One thing that is very strange if there was no explanation from the standpoint of public anthropology, is that the Demak kingdom of Majapahit only dare to attack one more year after the founding of the kingdom! in this attack was the kingdom of Demak direct experience victory! Indeed there is an opinion stating that the kingdom of Majapahit at the time it has experienced setbacks. But the question is the cause of its decline. In a nation that adopts a royal government, the progress or decline of the kingdom depends on popular support. Therefore common phenomenon in the histories of the kingdom, a kingdom that suddenly become a big empire, or a kingdom, an abrupt decline. This can happen depends on the presence of a leader who is capable or not. If a leader is supported by its people, the kingdom is strong. Skills of a leader or king is the ability to mengaspirasi will of its people.
Therefore setback Majapahit kingdom in the period leading up to the end of history due to the weak support of the people in the archipelago of Java when it attacked the Hindu kingdom of Demak. Patterns experienced in the history of Majapahit was not experienced by ancient Javanese kingdoms previous Hindu. Hindu kingdoms in Java since the ancient Mataram by Sanjaya dynasty, dynasty dynasty, royal Medang Kamulan, Daha, Kahuripan, Singasari, who ends his story not through war or an attack from outside (external factors). Kingdoms of the Hindu or Buddhist before the Majapahit kingdom collapsed or changed its name and location of his government because of internal conflicts, power struggles, the division of the kingdom and things similar. Kingdoms of the Hindu or Buddhist in Java before the Majapahit proved able to resist attacks from outside, such as the hostile attitude of such a large empire of Srivijaya or attack from Mongol leader Kublai Khan's army.
This phenomenon can happen when leaders of the kingdoms of Java, Hindu or Buddhist at that time not running into resistance from people when fighting foreign aggresor both non-Muslims such as when they face the attack of Srivijaya Buddhist who believes and who believes pagan Mongols. But when against external attacks from the Islamic kingdom of Demak new like a year old, Majapahit kingdom immediately collapse. This suggests that the antagonism between the Hindu kingdom and the Islamic empire, the people on the island of Java is not too grab the attention of thinking about the survival of the Hindu kingdom of Majapahit. If people still believe the Hindus, they would feel threatened by the attack on the kingdom of Majapahit kingdom of Demak, and promptly forget all the conflict between them if any, to be each other shoulder to shoulder with them against aggresor foreign rulers.
Efforts to uncover the truth of historical facts are very limited, it will be tested by confronting inter historical facts. Also attempted to find a concept that does not conflict with all the facts. Also method for finding the concept. Due to the limited history of the concept used is information about anthropology and the state of public awareness of those days. With regard to the relationship of Demak and Majapahit, the knot of anthropology's most important is the fact the interaction between the two beliefs, namely the relationship between Islamic civilization and Hindu civilization in society on the island of Java at the time.
For those reasons, which will be used as the primary node is authentic archaeological anthropology are facts, such as archaeological artefacts on the tomb Tralaya; the Islamic cemetery in the heart of Majapahit who framed the year 1307 AD. Figures for the year on the headstone tomb shows that Islam can exist in Java during the Hindu ruler of Majapahit was in its heyday. The number of Muslim graves gravestone there quite a lot. In addition, residents of Majapahit also uses a currency that is labeled with the symbols of Islam-currency among other currencies. Based on the facts that formed the hypothesis that the Muslim population has entered the interior of Java, has lived in the central government, able to adapt to and engage with Hindu ruler life of the country.
By the fall of Majapahit was not detected da'wa process of Javanese society by Islamic mubaligh. Therefore, once the possibility of the majority of Majapahit had embraced Islam before the collapse of the State. Demak to Majapahit attacks ahead of its collapse it was not productive when properly Majapahit people still adhered to Hindu religion. when viewed in terms of political da'wa Islamiyyah (if true Demak attacked Majapahit for da'wa purposes), attack the Majapahit Demak in Java it can evoke the spirit of resistance Hindus (if indeed the people of Java at that time still are Hindus) to spread Islam. But this situation does not occur in the archipelago at the time of Majapahit Java. Hindu Society Archipelago not became told hit by Muslim then hit counterback in the days after the collapse of the Majapahit with an underground movement of any kind, either military or socio-political. Even the Hindu religion after that detect no longer exist on the island of Java, as if lost in the swallow the Earth! This indicates there is a big possibility that the Java community has almost become a Muslim all at the moment.
We can compare with the situation in the other hemisphere in the region that there is interaction between Islam and Hinduism, as in India for example. That is the period of Mughal India when held by Aurangzeb. At that time Aurangzeb impose his will and act tough against Hindus. As a result of actions that the potential message of Islam to the Indian Hindu society becomes really narrow. People of Hindu India and the Islamic boycott of all sides of life. But that is the representation of Islamic Demak in Java do not experience as experienced by the Mughal Aurangzeb as a leader in the days thereafter. Though Demak also perform a crackdown on the representation of the Hindu Majapahit.
Historical development of Islam viewed as a whole since the time of the Prophet until now it appears that the development or expansion of Islamic rule by the military approach will leave little legacy of conflict ripples in the future. Crisis that occurred partly conflict between residents who are not adherents of Islam used by Islamic rulers. Or conflict between the Neighboring region Muslim expansion with new Islamic regions. Recorded when Muslim armies conquered Constantinople, then in subsequent periods are provocation against Muslim rule Turkey lead by Vlad, it takes energy and patience to put it down. Similarly, Andalusia is always undermined by a Christian neighbor. Even if viewed as a whole, the seizure of most of Rome by Islam, including North Africa, Syria and Eurasia until now still leaves traces of the conflict. That feud subtle nerve between the West and the Islamic world.
Modern western world today can be said is the reincarnation of the Roman empire, which in antiquity was destroyed by Islamic greatness. This pattern occurs wherever Islamic civilization interact with non-Islamic civilization, that is if you use a military approach, then the time in the future will leave a trail of conflict. It's happened to the Mughal dynasty, the Ottoman dynasty, Andalusia and the other. This also happened in Persia in the early days of conquest. Even the Caliph Umar was killed by a Persian. Persian finally managed to establish itself as an Islamic force but this occurs after the majority of residents in the 9th century turned into Shiite followers. A sect of Islam which in fact is more in fear of again by the Islamic rulers in the Middle East at the moment than the other enemies, even his enemies are non-Muslim ones.
In war-war, the Prophet never initiate an attack to the enemy. When he attacked the enemies of Islam then it can be ascertained that in the past was never a real enemy of the Muslims or adversely harm the Islamic da'wah. This causes before his death, Islam has successfully embraced the community in the entire Arabian Peninsula.
If the pattern of the common reasons of Islamic civilization in the world in launching attacks to foreigners is as described above. Then to what the true purpose of the Islamic kingdom of Demak attacked Majapahit? History does not show the existence of intersection between Hindus and Muslims before the birth of the kingdom of Demak. It seems very hard to believe if the goal is Demak attacked Majapahit Islamic da'wah to the people who still embrace the Hindu Majapahit. If it is true through street violence, the more likely that people who believe Hindu Nusantara will boycott, sehingg message of Islam will experience congestion as experienced Aurangzeb. Situation proselytizing by force always acts to fruition on the island of Java, the Dutch colonial period show that. Although the Dutch had hundreds of years occupied the island of Java, but its inhabitants still embrace Islam until now. Therefore, the ruler of Demak courage when he decided to invade Majapahit more or less indicates that the Java people have of Islam at that time.
Demak to Majapahit attack possibilities, not least because the Islamic da'wah to the Javanese Hindu society. But the 'other propaganda' with the target aimed at the 'other beliefs' Discussion about the inclusion of Islam in the archipelago, the Islamic development situation that occurred in Java certainly has a relationship with a previous history that happened in Aceh (Perlak). A little more history Perlak have included the existence of internal conflict among different Muslim sects in the leadership of the kingdom. Conflict among different sects of Islam is also likely that the phenomenon of 'follow' Perlak people who migrated to Java, in the form of 'interaction' between Demak with a population of Java. If the above is true then the pattern of events in the archipelago will be in accordance with the sharing pattern of the spread of other Muslims in other parts of the world.
B. Socio-Political Dynamics in Java Happens After The Islamic Shiite Perlak Coastal Traveler Descendants landed on the island
From the standpoint of the psychology of the traveler Perlak, we can explore or imagine their consciousness when they wanted to emigrate to Java. When they dived early life will get a little picture of a situation which according to the socio-political situation of the community in Java in the 11th century. After moving to the island of Java, surely this Perlak travelers want to solidify its position in the new place so not repeated horizontal conflicts among themselves (the Shia Islam) with the Sunni Islam (which is certainly in the future will catch up with them again), like previously, which causes them to leave the place of origin. They do not want to fall into the same hole twice.
It is clear that the displacement of Perlak Coast travelers who migrated to Java is not developed anymore is because the sources of life-sustaining because they are in place cause from outsider, or because of war. Practical after inland areas controlled by Sunni Muslims, the potential development of their territory by land stalled, while they also understand that the area in the archipelago of the potential target was still stretched wide da'wa. In addition to mastering the interior by Perlak Sunnis who have access to the rice producing areas in southern Sumatra, then people become dependent Perlak Coastal livelihood to people Perlak Inland. Especially their dependence on staple food in Perlak Inland communities. Although results from the control of coastal trade higher, but for the life of people still need food staple. Their efforts towards Java and not to other regions of the archipelago also indicated that their transfer target areas are regions as sources of basic foodstuffs. At a minimum they must have thought that the continuity of the spread of Islamic da'wah can be achieved if the support is assured source of sustaining life.
Therefore, as the proverb: "It will not fall into the same hole twice," applies to the descendants of Perlak Coast travelers who migrated to the island of Java. After settling on the island, they are not satisfied with managing coastal areas and only have limited administrative relationships (tribute) to the ruler who first existed in the area (in the old situation in Perlak is their relationship with the Sriwijaya). But when it was still in Perlak, perhaps their goal is just more control of the coastal region because they also consider still the possibility they will travel overland route to Java. So they migrated to Java is a long-term strategy. It is also a matter that is very possible. But the arrival of their Sunni audara disperse it. But now they've reached the island of Java with other conditions, namely as a traveler who migrated because of a problem in the place of origin. Then after arriving in Java Perlak travelers saw that the island is the world's end, they could not move anywhere else. So surely then they switch strategies by changing yourself by being an agrarian society to establish a more permanent position in Java. This scenario is a matter that is likely to occur.
In interacting with the rulers of Java (Majapahit) as a new destination, the travelers Perlak more effort involved in organizing the state. They also conform to the pattern of agrarian Majapahit kingdom by trying to obtain fertile areas in the interior. They understand that the master source of livelihood support means continuity of purpose and resilience to face those who threaten their missions. The pattern is more orderly and disciplined life as a condition for the success of an agrarian society also must be their Condition. a more communal society, cooperation and mutual assistance must be more they seek.
In addition to updating the pattern of life and livelihoods, also renewed their relations strategy when interacting with others. At first in Perlak payoff relations and political strategy trading is the basis of the pattern of their relationship with other parties. Once in the agrarian Java, they understand that the frequency of social relationships between segments and elements of society will be more intense, social skills, diplomacy and politics to be improved. By default this will increase the sensitivity between humans among them. The nature of tolerance, empathy and tolerance with fast soon they have. Looks like the travelers in Java Perlak successfully mastered, the traces of Islam that many archaeological relics found in the center of Majapahit when it managed to reach the golden era proves it.
Perlak traveler groups who migrated to the Java coast also change political policy. While we were in Perlak they founded the kingdom in autonomous or independent but still under the empire of Srivijaya. When the relationship between them with the security Perlak Sriwijaya harmony will be ensured. But it turns out they can not be certain that their relationship with the rulers of Srivijaya would both continue. After Sunni split into Perlak and Perlak into two; inland and coastal areas, they can not control the policy of the countryside again. When Sriwijaya Perlak may regard as a threat and attack inland. They can not prevent damage to this relationship. This causes them had also must involve themselves in the battle to help the kingdom Perlak Inland. Because of their fellow Muslims and somehow must help each other. Sriwijaya certainly will not give a damn that Perlak actually been broken and they are the ones who used to Perlak Coastal able to establish good relations with Sriwijaya. Sriwijaya Perlak will still attack as a whole, both inland and coastal. Sriwijaya attack incident has caused the destruction Perlak Coast. Coastal Perlak people as those who defended his brother at the expense of everything including souls Sultannya, namely Sultan Maulana Shah who died in the battle against Sriwijaya.
Past experience had made them feel that established the kingdom in place of an existing new ruler is not an effective action. When they founded the kingdom in a new place (Java), while in the region are also still standing non-Muslim kingdom strong (powerful kingdom means that the kingdom was getting people's support), then later in the event of a conflict between them with the old kingdom and occur war, then they will be destroyed by non-Muslim attacks, such cases have occurred in Perlak. The travelers Perlak understand that they are as followers of Shiite indeed have the ability to adapt to different authorities with their beliefs. When in the middle east, their ancestors used to living under rulers who are very hostile to them. These form the remarkable adaptability of living side by side with the ruling against them. This ability is reduced in young offspring. But the circumstances of Shiite pilgrims in this archipelago Perlak other fathers with their former situation in the Middle East. In the middle east their fathers face a fellow Muslim rulers, although hostility to them, sometimes more bitter than the hostility shown by the non-Muslim ones, but their fellow pengikrar creed, and must keep the honor and safety of fellow Muslims. Therefore they are more often launched taqiyyah movement, a movement away from the clash and conflict if you need a way to hide his faith.
Unlike the situation in the Middle East where the Shiite position is much weaker, in the archipelago of the traveler who bermazhab Shiite Coastal Perlak have enough strength in order to compensate and live side by side with Sunni brothers, and they do not need to do taqiyyah. This is what happens in Perlak. However, unlike the situation in the Middle East, in the archipelago there is a third party, namely the non-Muslim rulers such as the kingdom of Srivijaya that strong position, while in the Middle East a third party ie non-Muslims who become competitors Daulah Islamiyah weaker position.
The Shia Islam Perlak Coastal will try always able to maintain order there is no conflict with a more powerful Srivijaya when they were alone. But when the brother of Sunni Islam began to come to the region Perlak they are not able to maintain harmonious relations with the Sriwijaya again. As a result they had been swept away when his brother defending Sunni Muslims to remain intact.
This is what causes the travelers of the Islamic Shia Coastal Perlak reluctant to establish another kingdom in Java. They prefer to call people in non-formal and peace under the authority of the ruler of Majapahit. They were convinced of its potential to spread Islam peacefully on the island of Java, because previously they proved successful and peaceful preaching openly in the past to the Non-Muslims in Perlak. The travelers Perlak Coastal did not try to compete with or subvert the kingdom of Majapahit, and even tried to participate in the kingdom. they take steps for peaceful preaching with a purpose can not be separated one destination to experience the success of two possible goals. The possibility that the first goal is that by way of blending into the people of Majapahit, they will be able to convert the entire island of Java in a peaceful way to infiltrate in the community even if I have to infiltrate into the environment ruler of Majapahit although slowly.
Had da'wa islamiyya can not take place quickly, then at least they tried to get well-received by the ruler of Majapahit to stay in its territory, into the people, and developing offspring in the kingdom. The possibility of a second goal is that when schools of Sunni Islam Muslim brothers in the end to catch up entry to the island of Java, then they will get one of two possibilities. The first possibility is that the Hindu Majapahit kingdom that is still a strong will to deal with the Sunni Muslim sect. Or the second possibility; mashab Sunni Muslims will be faced with the Majapahit empire which had been weak because it does not get popular support that has been converted to Islam Shia by the traveler Perlak Coastal earlier. Both these possibilities better for them (the traveler Perlak Coastal). If the Sunni Muslims against the Hindu kingdom of Majapahit who still have power, then it is probable that both sides will battle a protracted, because the Sunni Muslims have strong support from the region of Aceh or Perlak Inland, and the Middle East. This will benefit them. If the situation of conflict between Sunni Muslims and the kingdom of Majapahit this really happens, then the position of the traveler Perlak Coast on the island of Java will remain secure.
The political situation of the Shia refugees Perlak Coastal traveler on the island of Java which is under the power of the Hindu Majapahit rulers differ from their situation while still in Perlak first commonwealth under the Srivijaya. On the situation in Perlak first, the kingdom of Srivijaya not give a damn party Perlak Coastal or Inland Perlak will they fight, both Perlak still fought. The Coastal Perlak indeed respect Srivijaya kingdom when they were standing alone (before the arrival of the Sunni Muslim kingdom split into two), but they have their own power so as not to blend in and become part of the kingdom of Srivijaya. Ruler of the kingdom of Srivijaya was not too familiar with them and give a damn to anything done or not done by the Perlak Shia. Including if there is a possibility that a conflict actually comes from another party that formally appears as a region and confidence with the Perlak Coast, but it actually has a different policy.
Srivijaya rulers did not see the Perlak Coast as a party that is different from the Inland Perlak. The destruction of the kingdom Perlak Coastal apparent due to conflicts between countries, with them as one of the parties have co-coalition. In this case the royal party entered a coalition with Perlak Coastal Inland Perlak. However, the combined strength of the coalition is not enough to offset the larger enemies and stronger, so to stop the enemy forces are large and strong one-party coalitions must take the initiative to sacrifice himself to save his coalition colleagues. Coastal Perlak Kingdom is extinct on the island of Sumatra, but a result of these sacrifices Srivijaya kingdom became weak and unable to harass the Muslims around the region of Aceh for good.
While the political circumstances of the Shiite Perlak travelers who migrated to the Java Coast is part of the Majapahit kingdom community, and live in the middle kingdom. So if there clashes between Sunni Muslims who came to Java with the ruler of Majapahit, and the Coastal Perlak feel that their position was not strong enough to help his brother Sunni Muslims, so they are forced to take a neutral position, then the ruler of Majapahit will be able to see that the Shiites Perlak former fugitive is in a neutral party. And if they succeed in its mission to convert the majority of the island of Java under the authority of Majapahit, the kingdom would be weak by itself. So when Sunni Muslims entering the island of Java, the Java people who have lived withdraw support to the Islamic rulers themselves. This was the case in Java.
Of all the above description can be concluded that the parties that weaken the kingdom of Sriwijaya and Majapahit kingdom that resulted to the collapse of two great kingdoms archipelago are the Muslims and the descendants of Coastal Perlak Shia. At the time they face the Srivijaya using frontal war strategy until rajanyapun killed in battle. Meanwhile, when faced with the Majapahit empire they used the opposite strategy by which this strategy when faced with Sriwijaya. When faced with Majapahit, a descendant of the Coastal Perlak using strategies subtlety and tenderness. They deflate and divert people's support for Java to the kingdom in a way to convert the inhabitants.
That need further observation is the reason to invade Majapahit kingdom of Demak. In the previous description has presented an argument which states that would be highly unlikely that Demak Majapahit attacked with the aim of preaching Islam to the Hindu community, because most people had embraced Islam Majapahit kingdom. So one possible reason for the kingdom of Demak to attack the ruler of Majapahit was da'wa school of Sunni Islam to Shia Majapahit society, as it has often happened in the middle east region. When viewed from the perspective of conflict management action of Demak was very reasonable. If they let the Java community that has become a Shiite Muslim who believes that under the Hindu Majapahit ruler, the ruler of Majapahit slowly will also be a Shiite Muslim sect. This will complicate the development of their mission, especially if carried out by Sunni school of Islam preaching directly to the public on the island of Java who had embraced Islam Shi'ite, Sunni sect of Islam arguments will not be able to subdue the Shiite sect of Islam argument. Historically, since the birth of the Middle East, the Sunni sect of Islam in spreading his teachings are always required the presence of a ruler who has the material and physical strength to support his message.
Therefore, to call people on the island of Java, Sunni Muslims would not be able to imitate his brother Shiites who started preaching from the bottom, infiltrate, mingling in the middle of the Majapahit. Grassroots community has become a Shiite Muslim and it is difficult to make them to become Sunni through logical argumentation. Sunni Muslims have to establish a kingdom and then get rid of his rivals, after all it is implemented then the missionary school of Sunni Islam in Java island to their new start. Ruler of Majapahit kingdom should be ruled out first. So unlike the Shiite Muslim descent Perlak Coastal traveler prefers the average citizen as the target of da'wa of the Sunni Muslim religious teachings with the goal of the nobles, the royal family and its descendants. Therefore media used by Sunni Muslims on the island of Java is the media elite / special which is only used by the upper classes such as puppet show. In those days only the nobility and the Majapahit royal family that is able to organize and watch puppet shows.
After the position of Sunni Muslims is strong enough on the island of Java by going Raden Patah Islam, the last son of King UB (UB V), then they must immediately take over power in Java. This is important if you want to prevent the Sunni Muslims among the rulers of the island of Java, dominated by Shiite Muslims. In addition, with the collapse of power in the hands of their (Sunni Muslims), then the political situation as the political situation in the Middle East will also be conditioned on the archipelago to Java. So after establishing the Islamic kingdom in Demak, immediately attacked the Sunni Muslims of Majapahit.
In previous descriptions have been presented the argument that states that the attack was not a war Demak aimed at preaching Islam to the Javanese Hindu society, but rather the preparation of 'da'wa' to face the competition between sects within Islam. One of the historical events that can be used as an indication for the argument above is the existence of a phenomenon that in time of war between Demak and Majapahit in progress, the commander of the Majapahit armies when it is held by a Muslim named raden Kusen javanese language for prince Husain. Majapahit warlord's name in the context of his time indicates that he is a Shiite Muslim. This indicates that the Shiite Muslims already have a large number of followers on the island of Java when the walisanga come to the island.
Then how the Shiite Muslims community Perlak Coastal travelers descents in Java take a stand when faced with a situation of war between Demak versus Majapahit. Are they more inclined to Demak or to Majapahit. Kingdom of Majapahit is where they earn a living. Kingdom of Majapahit not disturb the difference of confidence, even give space to the Shiite Perlak travelers offspring to develop. While the Demak kingdom is the kingdom of Islam, therefore they are brothers in faith. History more or less have shown that offspring Shiite Muslims Perlak travelers are more inclined to defend fellow Christians, namely the kingdom of Demak.
When attacked by Demak, directly experiencing the collapse of the Majapahit kingdom, when the society to defend the kingdom is certainly the situation would be different. This is a little more attitude Shiite Muslims Perlak Coastal descents who travelers in Java when confronted with a situation of war between Demak versus Majapahit. Of course, not all citizens have equality of opinion and attitude that is absolutely identical. One or two people would have different political opinions, like the attitude taken by prince/raden Husein/Kusen which has become a war leader for the kingdom of Majapahit to fight Demak.
People like raden Husein likely to have a stance that the kingdom of Majapahit had given space to the Shi'ite descents Perlak Coast to grow and gain a living, so he feels indebted to Majapahit. Or very likely that he also worried that if the kingdom of Demak experienced victory, the future development of the Shiite on the island of Java will be bleak. Big possibility that prince Husein concerns the possibility for this is actually very reasonable or unreasonable, if he saw past history of relations between the two sects of Islam, both in the Middle East and in Perlak. In addition to raden Husein there seems to be one or two more people who thinks the same with him. One of them is Sheikh Siti Jenar (the greatest shiite/tasauf scholar in Java. Sheikh Siti Jenar also seems to have the same opinion with raden Husein.
What is surprising is the attitude taken by the Shiite Muslim descent Perlak Coast travelers prefer to defend the Sunnis kingdom of Demak. While they understand the past history of the Middle East and in Perlak, ie when the kingdom of Demak have victory then arises a strong possibility that the life of the Shiite will experience strong pressure from the Sunni. What underlies the Shiite Muslims descent Perlak Coast travelers take the option to defend his brother who is Sunni, although there is a possibility that if they get the victory of the kingdom of Demak will suppress them.
Past history pretty much shows that the Shiite Muslims always prefer the safety of Islamic civilization as a whole rather than a group or sect. They also look always versed in the various strategies to achieve its objectives. It seems that the strategy taken by the Shiite Muslims descent Perlak Coastal travelers on the island of Java was based on a very deep thinking. If seeing history in the later, then seen that the peaceful life of Islam in Java just having a not so long. Action colonization by the Dutch colonists soon arrive in the not so long after the collapse of the Majapahit kingdom. Sign of the character of the Europeans, especially the colonial character of the future would be read also by people around the world. Although the world information flow in the Majapahit era more slowly when compared with currents in contemporary communication. But in ancient times the global information flow has also been formed, especially for countries located on the outskirts of the Indian Ocean that flows of human movement faster than in other parts of the earth. News about the situation in Europe, including the nature and tendency of people would get to the archipelago.
In the face of the future state of the world, especially the threat from the tendency of European nations that will be aggressive towards other nations would have made an effort prediction by the other nations in the world at that time, including the Muslims Shiite Perlak Coastal descent. Seen an attempt to move the unity among fellow Muslims by them. Shiite Muslims community descendant Perlak Coast travelers are no longer bother with school differences. They seem willing to lose his school identity and acceptance of Islam embraced by the majority Sunni community in Java. But the essential core of the Shiite sect of Islam retained by the descendants of Javanese society Perlak Coast travelers. The prints were seen after they founded the Sufi Islamic kingdom in the interior of the island of Java after the collapse of the kingdom of Demak. Traces the legacy of the Shiite will be discussed later in the description. Now it will be discussed trace the steps taken in the history of Shiite Muslims in Coast Perlak descent in Java also interact with Sunni Muslims in Java.