Honor killing?


make dua 4 ma finals
Asalama Aleekum,

I just finished watching America's Most Wanted and the #1 person on the list was a Muslim man named Yaser Saed who killed his two teenage daughters. I am really mad about what he has done. They were dating and that is why he killed them. Subhana Allah they called it honor killing that is preached in the "Anciant religion" . I am kinda angery, but @ da same time wondering if there is such thing as honor killing in Islam. Please shed some light on this subject for me. jazaka Allah khairan. Salams


Asalama Aleekum,

I just finished watching America's Most Wanted and the #1 person on the list was a Muslim man named Yaser Saed who killed his two teenage daughters. I am really mad about what he has done. They were dating and that is why he killed them. Subhana Allah they called it honor killing that is preached in the "Anciant religion" . I am kinda angery, but @ da same time wondering if there is such thing as honor killing in Islam. Please shed some light on this subject for me. jazaka Allah khairan. Salams


i have heard this story before. i think it happened a few months ago. i have heard that honor killings are a thing from jahiliyya. but i am not sure on the ruling because i wasn't given any evidence for that claim. i think that it's very possible that someone here at TTI will have the answer insha'allah.


Junior Member

There is no such thing as "honor killing" in Islam. Rather it is a backwards practice of some cultures that treat women as if they are property. I find it rather ironic that they feel murdering their sister/daughter/wife would restore honor to their family, I would think murdering someone would bring utter shame instead.

No one has a right to kill another person, no one. If a person is guilty of a crime then they need to be brought to court and formal charges applied. One cannot just be their own personal judge, jury and executioner....that is not what Islam is about. This man has committed a grave sin and will stand for it on judgement day.



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

I made a quick search...and found a fatwa on Al-Qardhawi's website...and it spoke of honor killings...

He says that they are not Islamic...and were never known to relate to Islamic Sharia...

He gave examples of why it is forbidden..and how it even goes against the Laws of Sharia regarding "zina" (the basis or reason for honor killings)

It was a very very very lengthy fatwa...it contained many proofs to support his view mashallah...if you want me to translate some of these proofs (the best I can) I'd be happy to..otherwise here's the link (it's in Arabic):


Or perhaps we'll both luck-in and a brother or a sister will find information or a fatwa in English for us :)



Junior Member

i just want to comment that how disgusting it is to kill your daughter or sister..there was a true novel, called 'forbidden love' very sad. but now we all know that in Islam, there's no such thing as honour killing, alhamdullillah! that our religion is not crazy like such things as honour killings which just dont make sense


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum
For sure there is no such thing as honor killing ... That is just stupid and i was really sad to hear when that thing appeared in the news ... seriously like that was something we muslims were left to labeled with ... I cant believe people like these if they pay more attention to their children something like this wont happen they are hiding their own shame and for wat something that is even worse ... I dont get it How have they regained their shame this is ridiculous and its jahiliya ... let me remind everyone that before Islam Kaffir would kill their daughters and Allah (swt) and Prophet (PBUH) in very strict manner forbidden that (plz correct me if im wrong and i know there hadith which i cant properly remember)
aslam o alikum


Junior Member

No such thing as honor killing in Islam. The best example you could reflect is the prophets. Rasull Allah peace and blessing up him when he came back to Mecca, never done such non sense even though the pagans did so much. Just reflect to the stories of the many prophets and you will see, it is to the contrary.



Junior Member
Honor killing has no connection with Islam. It's a Judaio-Christian tradition that comes directly from the Bible:

"And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." (Leviticus 21:9)

"And it came to pass about three months after, that it was told Judah, saying, Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the harlot; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom. And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt." (Genesis 38:24)

"For God said, 'Honor your father and mother' and 'Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.'" (Matthew 15:4)

"And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death…And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death." (Exodus 21:15-17)

Hinduism has also honor killing tradition (ex: widow burning or Sati to honor her dead husband!)


Junior Member
:salam2:honor killing in Islam is haraam!However i still wonder how the punishment for fornication is meant to be applied in this kind of cases...

If my daughters had done a similar crime like in this case ,i would nt ever talk to them again,if their mother takes their side and meets with them in secret i de divorce her right away.if they repent and turn to Allah swt it is up to him to forgive them or not ,i certainly couldn t.But besides all of this if daughters or sons wanna marry and lead a righteous and lawful life, lets make t easy for them parents!,inshallah.May allah guide us all the young and the old



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
If my daughters had done a similar crime like in this case ,i would nt ever talk to them again,

Don't you mean your daughters *and* your sons akhi???

Or is "this crime" a crime for *women*...but it's *not* for men???...

Last time I checked...zina..its consequences..and its punishments..applied to *both* genders *equally*!..I think we need to bear this in mind at all times so we don't fall into the prejudice of *culture* which many seem to have fallen into unfortunately!

Back in the day..men were looked at with horror should they commit zina..just like the women...and the warnings about zina were directed at men more than women...

I wish I had better lingual capabilities..I would have translated this poem to all..as it has so much wisdom in it..

عفوا تعف نساؤكم في المحرم***وتجنبوا ما لا يليق بمسلم

يا هاتكا حرم الرجال وتابعا***طرق الفساد تعيش غير مكرم

من يزن في قوم بألفي درهم***في أهله يزني بربع الدرهم

إن الزنا دين إذا أقرضته***كان الوفا من أهل بيتك فاعلم



Slave of Allah (swt)
Don't you mean your daughters *and* your sons akhi???

Or is "this crime" a crime for *women*...but it's *not* for men???...

Last time I checked...zina..its consequences..and its punishments..applied to *both* genders *equally*!..I think we need to bear this in mind at all times so we don't fall into the prejudice of *culture* which many seem to have fallen into unfortunately!

Back in the day..men were looked at with horror should they commit zina..just like the women...and the warnings about zina were directed at men more than women...

I wish I had better lingual capabilities..I would have translated this poem to all..as it has so much wisdom in it..

عفوا تعف نساؤكم في المحرم***وتجنبوا ما لا يليق بمسلم

يا هاتكا حرم الرجال وتابعا***طرق الفساد تعيش غير مكرم

من يزن في قوم بألفي درهم***في أهله يزني بربع الدرهم

إن الزنا دين إذا أقرضته***كان الوفا من أهل بيتك فاعلم


Yes you are right zina punishment applies to both men and women


Junior Member
everything what is not just is never tolerated by Islam

I don´t have great knowledege about islamic law but The God I believe in is a fair and a kind God. everything what is not just is never tolerated by Islam. This is sad that in some muslim countries girls were killed because they was raped....! :( and even when they commit sins (zina) still no one has the right to kill them: One who kill one person is like who killed all mankind in Islam.
To kill the daughters to save the honor of the family is selfish! Everyone will be asked from the people who stand under their controll. Parents will be asked about their children. And parents should wish all the best to their children. when they see their kids do wrong than they have the responsibility to show them the right way. plz correct me someone when I said something wrong...


Junior Member
Don't you mean your daughters *and* your sons akhi???

Or is "this crime" a crime for *women*...but it's *not* for men???...

Last time I checked...zina..its consequences..and its punishments..applied to *both* genders *equally*!..I think we need to bear this in mind at all times so we don't fall into the prejudice of *culture* which many seem to have fallen into unfortunately!

Back in the day..men were looked at with horror should they commit zina..just like the women...and the warnings about zina were directed at men more than women...

I wish I had better lingual capabilities..I would have translated this poem to all..as it has so much wisdom in it..

عفوا تعف نساؤكم في المحرم***وتجنبوا ما لا يليق بمسلم

يا هاتكا حرم الرجال وتابعا***طرق الفساد تعيش غير مكرم

من يزن في قوم بألفي درهم***في أهله يزني بربع الدرهم

إن الزنا دين إذا أقرضته***كان الوفا من أهل بيتك فاعلم


:salam2:prejudice!Kindly read again what i wrote carefully so that both of us might avoid seeing only what we want to see...respected sister i was referring to this particular case...it is quite obvious that it concerns both genders Allah swt has left no room for gender competition and argument in this matter alhamdulillah,thanks for the hint...



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
:salam2:prejudice!Kindly read again what i wrote carefully so that both of us might avoid seeing only what we want to see...respected sister i was referring to this particular case...it is quite obvious that it concerns both genders Allah swt has left no room for gender competition and argument in this matter alhamdulillah,thanks for the hint...


Akhi...*only* the *two questions* I wrote in the beginning were specifically about what you wrote *personally*...

The rest of what I wrote was additional points...which crossed my mind and I wrote to *everyone*...

I even put the poem there as part of it...even though it's in Arabic...but I know many here read it so I thought...why not?!

I guess I should have wrote two separate replies but I was in a hurry and thought should do it all together...but now I see that I should have so I wouldn't cause a mix-up for you



Staff member
assalamu alaykum,

most people unfortunately tend to act worse towards girls than boys, there shouldnt be double standards..

"Honour killings" and other things that are not from Islam, are done due to ignorance. Its the ignorance that is weakening our Ummah...... so much that people do not even know the right way to rectify themselves and others. - Which is simply by practising Islam properly from the original teachings.

Oh and hey, pleaseeeeeeee search a bit on the forum and make use of old threads that cover the same topics:

Honour killings


Don't you mean your daughters *and* your sons akhi???

Or is "this crime" a crime for *women*...but it's *not* for men???...

Last time I checked...zina..its consequences..and its punishments..applied to *both* genders *equally*!..I think we need to bear this in mind at all times so we don't fall into the prejudice of *culture* which many seem to have fallen into unfortunately!

Back in the day..men were looked at with horror should they commit zina..just like the women...and the warnings about zina were directed at men more than women...

I wish I had better lingual capabilities..I would have translated this poem to all..as it has so much wisdom in it..

عفوا تعف نساؤكم في المحرم***وتجنبوا ما لا يليق بمسلم

يا هاتكا حرم الرجال وتابعا***طرق الفساد تعيش غير مكرم

من يزن في قوم بألفي درهم***في أهله يزني بربع الدرهم

إن الزنا دين إذا أقرضته***كان الوفا من أهل بيتك فاعلم

That made me laugh :SMILY303:

As long as we have Sister A_Muslimah and ShyHijabi I don't think you can get away with mistakes like that.
They will come after you.

I agree with brother Mabsoot, that people always act unkindly against girls. When men do these things, there is little sense of 'shock or honor', at least it is very minuscule.
